What's the difference between 350cc and 375cc? Started by: Olivia Darbyshire

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    I’m currently a 32A (?) I have a small frame and getting 350cc high profile under the muscle on 6.10.15 and already getting the boobies greed! I’m worried i will be disappointed they are too small, and I’d rather be too big than too small! Would it be worth getting the bigger size to be sure?

    Claire 3

    I’m getting the same on that day 🙂 what hospital are you at? 🙂


    Preston, are you? xxx

    Summa2011 10

    Hey hun I was offered 350/375cc, I was a 34 empty b before, I’m only a few weeks post op so I’ve not measured them yet although I have been signed off from Mr marcellino. Anyway I decided I’d go for 375cc. As a lot of the girls have said there’s not much between them just 25cc and I just didn’t want to keep thinking what if. I’m so over the moon with my disision there just perfect for me 🙂 hth xx

    Claire 3

    I’m at presto too on the 6th 🙂 I have my pre op Saturday 🙂


    Go for the biggest you can! I had 375 and wish I’d gone 400 maybe even 425!! Xx


    mr traynor has suggested no bigger than 350cc but I’m sure 375 won’t be much difference, I defo want them a D / DD no smaller! xxx

    Amy 265

    The difference between 375cc and 400 is literally 5 teaspoons.
    I was a 32 a and had 375cc high profile and now I am a 32e /f depending on bra style x

    Steff 4

    Hello! 🙂
    I was a 32A, and I had 350cc 3 months ago, and I’ve been measured as a 32DD; but as others have said, 25cc difference is barely anything!


    Laura 13

    I was a 32A and had 325cc high profile unders and I am now a 32DD. Going bigger isnt always the right option. I have slight rippling when i bend forward, if I went bigger this would have been worse

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