whats the difference with stapping or not? Started by: victoria

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    Why do some Dr’s use strapping but others dont?
    also whats with drains? Is that something that was used along time ago as my cousin had drains but it was over 10 years ago.


    Strapping is believed to help the implant settle down Hun and push them downwards into dropping, I think it really helped mine and kept them firmly supported in the first week but I am not going to lie felt like a long week but when it came off it was amazing ! Drains are for draining any excess fluid after the op I think x

    alex 5

    Yep. I had drains on sun. Think its quite common. Xx


    Ok thank understand the strapping now….kind of lol.
    dreading it if im honest 🙁
    can I ask why u had drains alex? Who was ur dr? And what cc? Xx

    helen -1

    I had dr mounir and I didn’t have strapping on. Just some dressings over my incisions. And I didn’t have any drains either. X


    I didn’t have strapping or drains either x x

    alexis 1

    I have strapping but didn’t have drains I don’t think I could handle them


    Alexis omg the pain worse part so far and defo the most painful


    I didn’t have strapping as such just tape around my breast keeping them high and supported. During recovery I think it’s important for your breasts to be in a good position, after all that’s where they will heal, lots of people misunderstand augmentation and just think the incisions are the only thing that needs to heal. I was taped up so my breast sit quite high and not to far apart, after having the tape off I feel like they are sitting in the perfect place, not to close not to far apart. They are rounding off nicely however (look at my pics if you like). Also, no drains for me, it’s only for fluid build up I was told they aren’t used much for augmentation anymore but depends of your surgeon. If your talking about a strap that goes around the highest part of your chest I would say it’s up to you, personally I didn’t want mine to drop to much, high and mighty with lots if cleavage is the look I’m going for lol so I don’t want anything pushing them down! I had 500cc above the muscle high profile… Hope this helps x


    God I dont like the sound of drains one bit.
    but then the strapping doesnt sound too fun either like u say in this weather. Eeww sweaty hot uncomfortable. …..BUT new boobs at the end of it all wooowhoo lol. Im sure ill live. Thank u for all the input ladies xx

    alexis 1

    My strapping is ok only had it on for a day though

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