whats the most painful thing about BA Started by: amyheather

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    Hi just wondering what part of the procedure is the most painful, i just want to prepare myself for the operation. Will there be pain when i wake up after the op, when i stand up, move my arms, drains??? im really scared about the pain issue, its the only thing holding me back from getting dream boobs.

    Im LOOKING TO GET 200 CC over the muscle.


    Hello Amy .
    Well evryone is different but i can say i neaver felt eny pain whatsoever ,its more like when you do a exercise like go to the gym , you feel a bit acey and i neaver had eny drains .My surgon was Mr Traynor and i got 380cc under the muscle ,i am so pleased i went ahead with the op and i would do it all again,as long as you listen to your surgon and take his advice you will be fine .

    good luck Kerry x


    Thanks for the update on pain – im not good with pain, so hoping it wont be too bad!!!!!



    Hi amy…. Just read, what ur worried about.. i’m a week and 1 day post ope…before i was put to sleep by general anastetic i could rememeber the anula being put in ma arm and that hurt me… After i woke up i was fine i didnt feel no pain until the next days…. you just feel lyk nipple sensation and lyk a lil sharp pain around ur breast.. i guess everythone gets it different. but from day 1 i could getma self up to go looo and i didnt feel no pain what so eva…… try not b scared….the more calm u are and the more positive u are everything will be fine and try to relax.. everything will b at ease…This was ma first gneral anasteasia ever, cuz ive neva had any sort of Operation and i would to it again no pain at alll. jst mek sure u follow intrustion about no eating prior the Breast agumentation and ull be fine… hpe this helps xxEstefany


    for me the worst bit was that bloody canula in ur hand! it was painful and hurt me all night! i think it was because when the nurse came to check my iv drip, he pulled the cord by accident and the canula consequentl moved position! even after he readjusted it, it was painful and uncomfortable and left a huge bruise! lol i sound like such a whimp but i couldnt really feel any other pain cuz i was numb and drugged up!

    after the op, the worst thing is hyper sensitive boobs and nipples! and morning boob isnt pleasant! but all part of the healing process! no regrets so far!



    for me it was having huge huge nipples for ages they we’re dead sensitive, and the burning sensation you sometimes got from them if you were moving around


    One of my incisions stung a lot on day 2 and 3 but i think that because i overdid it the 1st few days so as long as you relax and take ti easy you should be fine!
    I didn’t think the canula hurt when it went in, but i’m fine with needles. But it was very uncomfortable after the operation but I had mine in my arm. Don’t know if most other people got it in their hand?! because the doctor who was on call that night said they had been lazy putting it in my arm and would be better in my hand.
    x x

    bethanie 1

    Hi Amy

    I had my BA last night and I can honestly say I feel fine. Just as the other girls it is a more discomfort than pain like I habe done a million push ups. Mine were overs and 380c, I am very swollen but very happy. The canula didnt actually hurt me one bit so it is defo different for everyone.
    Really nothing to worry about at all – you must not hesitate if this is want you really want – I am so happy I went through with it and I am sure all the girls think then same

    missmanace 2

    Bathanie, im having the same as you. Can I ask what did you start off with and what would you say your size is now?



    congrats on ur new boobies bethanie :)
    sarah xx

    bethanie 1

    I was a 30b and am wearing a 34d that is a bit small – but am very swollen, I expect they will end up a 30d. difficult to tell but I am happy with them – any bigger I dont think would have suited my frame byt everyone is different . I am avoiding wearing a bra as much as possible as I find it so uncomfortable.

    Thanks Sarah :-) Isnt it weird getting used to them – they fell like rocks at the moment too!

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