When can I and how should I clean my scars? Started by: Nikitta

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  • Nikitta 57

    Hi I’m 3 weeks post op and have just taken the tape off of my incisions. It’s dirty and I don’t know how to clean them? I used a baby wipe but it hasn’t helped much and a little scab came off. How has everyone cleaned there incisions or didn’t you leave them? Xxx

    Nikitta 57

    Sticky from the tape and bloody

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    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    I didn’t clean my incision at all but my nurse gave them a careful wipe with a cotton bud and a solution (not sure what). You could use a cotton bud and warm salt water but in all honestly I wouldn’t do anything as your incision sites don’t look bad at all in the picture.

    Nikitta 57

    Okay @icrlm I will just leave them until I see the surgeon at 6 weeks, I’ve tried cleaning around them where the tap had left sticky patches. I’ve put another plaster on to hide them as I’m really bad at keeping the water off them when showering lol xx

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