When can I have a full on shower? Started by: Alex Dorran

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    Hi ladies, I had my surgery on 27th Jan.. Originally my pc always said couldn’t shower for a week.. Then the nurse said two weeks.. Then another nurse said 10 days.. It’s been 8 days now and I feel gross just wondered when everyone else had a shower xx


    I was 2 weeks I had my op on 22nd and I’m having my stitches out tomorrow then il be able to have a shower, my surgeon uses both dissolveable and non dissolvable stitches which is why I had to wait 2 weeks

    Kirsty 24

    I was told I could shower after 7 days when I had my strapping removed 🙂 I was having showers before then from the waist down and getting people to wash my hair , that was probably the hardest part for me not being able to have a full shower xxx

    Stacey 498

    I wasn’t allowed to shower fully for two weeks xxx


    I showered from day 1, the joys of waterproof dressings!

    sabrina 92

    I had waterproof glue no stitches so showered day one.. but if I was you I’d actually have a shower as normally it’s one week / if u keep incision covered quick shower you’l be fine x just don’t soap that area.. x

    Helen 33

    I was told not till after my first check up with nurse, 10po spot when my stitches came out

    lala111 79

    I wasn’t allowed to shower for the first 10 days then i was to shower only once with the waterproof dressing on and then remove it after shower and dry the wound properly and apply antibiotic ointment. Then 4 days later had my stitches removed and was told i can shower normally within 48 hours.

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