When can I Hoover? Started by: Stacey

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  • Stacey 55

    When did everyone start using a Hoover again? I have a dyson upright one. I’m 11 days post op and I’m getting sick of asking my partner to do it and he’s taking days to get round to it 🙁 lol x

    Stacey 498

    I was hoovering about day 4 Hun I had no choice tho really as my partner went back to work 2 days after my op and he worked away so had to get on with it I was just extra careful when using it and took my time xxxx

    Yvette 85

    I hoovered and cleaned sane day I got home from hospital….had no choice and lifting my daughter up on day 4 and driving from day 5 no problems what so ever xx

    Sherrie 27

    Glad to hear this. I have. 1 year old and 4 year old and the only part of the op that’s worrying me is will I be able to look after them afterwards. I have got some help from my mother in law and husband but you know what it’s like mums have to get on with it and do everything! Xx

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