I had breast implants 3 years ago by my traynor 340cc
4 days ago I my implants removed and changed as I wanted to go bigger so had 700cc by mr Singh.
Question is… Has anyone else had implants who have young children??? I have a 10 month do daughter and want some advice on picking her/lifting her up. I know I’m not allowed to lift anything HEAVY for 6 weeks or exercise but what is classed as HEAVY would love to know how other people have got on with children and the healing process?
I’m lucky as my husband and I have our when business so we have 2 weeks booked off work but I can stay off as long as I want to. I haven’t picked her up yet and I’m 4 days after the op all I have had to do is if she’s rolled on to her front I’ve had to try and shovel her back up without using my arm muscles too much.
Has anyone got any advice to give????