When can I sleep flat on my back?? Started by: Becks

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  • Becks 17

    Hi ladies, I’m on day 3 post op and have to say that I’m struggling quite a lot! I’m still in a lot of pain, I had to get a prescription for some muscle relaxants as the pain was just not subsiding! Anyway, I’m sleeping propped up with lots of pillows and cushions and its really starting to take its toll on my neck, shoulders and back. I can’t remember anyone telling me how long I need to sleep like this, maybe they did and I was just too out of it to remember!! Lol any suggestions?? xxx

    Natalie 7

    It’s 2 week after op you can lay on your back hun. I found some days more painful than others try arranging your pillows slightly for support hun. I feel for you as I found very hard and I’ve been on my back last 3 week which is now starting to bug me 🙁 xx

    Becks 17

    Oh no Natalie, I was hoping it would be after a few days haha god it’s awful isn’t it, it’s so uncomfortable! Hopefully when the pain subsides it’ll be more comfortable sleeping ☺ it’s my back that hurts too, I’m walking like an old person haha xx

    Nicola 26

    Hi I think everyone is told something different.My friend who lives in OZ was flat on the bed after a few days.I think as long as you don’t sleep on your side as you will displace them.xx

    Roxanne 36

    I’m 14wpo I slept on my back on day 3, it’s mainly for the swelling to go down is the reason they say sleep upright xx

    Jane marie 50

    At mine the nurse said after a few days it’s fine I slept on my Back last night just with an extra pillow and I’m only 3 days post xx

    Becks 17

    Thanks nicola, jane marie and roxanne ???? I’m guessing it’s different for each personn guess it depends on the swelling too. My first post op appointment with the nurse is this Friday so I’ll ask her then what she recommends. I did actually sleep a lot better last night thank God, maybe I’m getting used to being propped up!! xx

    Natalie 7

    That’s strange I had barely any swelling and on my 1 week check she was shocked at how well my incisions was to say I was only 1 week haha but it’s like bras some get told no underwire at 6 week and others can. I’d prob sleep upright till Friday and ask or maybe give your nurse at mya a ring hun for peace of mind she may say you can now she may not 🙂

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