When can I wear a swimming costume? Started by: sparklyshoes88

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    I have a holiday in Spain 4 weeks after my surgery.

    When have you guys been told you can stop wearing your Macom post op bras?

    Would love to be able to wear a swimming costume without wearing a post op bra underneath ?.

    Kay 14

    Hi I’m heading to Turkey end of August which makes me. 7 weeks post op and they are happy for me to swim and were bikini

    Lara 30

    My surgeon said 6 weeks post op, and after that I can stop wearing the support bra


    I think I’ll need to wear my post op bra under my swimming costume then ?. Found one that covers it though.

    Thanks guys ?.

    Paige Warner 16

    Hey girls,

    I haven’t bought any post op bras yet, how do you know what size to get and where to get the right ones?

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