When did you all go back to work?! Started by: Megan

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  • Megan 57

    Hiya Ladies!

    I work in care so my job includes a lot of lifting and moving around all day and I’ve told work I will need 3 weeks off after my surgery but I don’t want to risk going back too soon, I’d rather be safe than sorry! Just wondering what kind of work you all do and how soon you went back to work and how you all felt?

    Thanks in advance!?

    Bethany 17

    I had partials and I’ve had 2.5 weeks off and I’m more than ready to go back now!
    3 weeks should be great

    Rebekah 174

    I sent back after a week I work in a office so didn’t have to move too much xxx

    Emma 28

    I had dual plane and went back after 2 weeks x

    Emily 15

    I work in a special needs school and the work can be quite physical at times, I arranged my op in the summer hols so luckily had 6 weeks off, but I would have been ready after 3 weeks, would say don’t do sooner though just to make sure, rather be safe than sorry! Hope all goes well for you 🙂

    Becca 167

    Today is my fourth day post op and I’ve only just left the house for the first time. I managed to walk a short distance but it wasn’t the most comfortable due to the muscle tightness. I can’t imagine functioning properly if I went back to work just yet and I only work in a very sedentary office job.

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