When did you all start sleeping on your side? Started by: Nikitta

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  • Nikitta 57

    Hi all just wondering when it’s okay to start sleeping on our side? I’m 16 DPO and can’t sleep on my back any longer, it doesn’t hurt me to lay on my side but I haven’t slept like that yet until I know I can or it’s safe please? Xxx

    Sam 36

    Hi Nikitta … i started sleeping on my side at about 3WPO i was allowed to after 2 weeks but was still a bit sore xxx

    Nikitta 57

    Thank you Sam I’ll start sleeping on my side it is so much more comfy I just worry too much lol don’t want to misplace them xxx

    Emma 52

    Same for me – 3WPO. Nurse told me provided its not painful to sleep in whatever way I was most comfortable 🙂

    Julie 10

    I was cleared to sleep whatever way I wanted at 4 weeks, It felt weird to sleep on my side at first so I ended up kind of hugging my my v shaped pillow to begin with for some comfort under the boob and slept like a baby! Ur body will tell u if ur not ready

    Ashleigh 9

    I only felt completely comfortable to do it at about 4-5 weeks. I had unders so not sure if that changes it

    Nikitta 57

    I had unders too and it sometimes feels like my implant is sliding off to the side when I lay on my side but that’s normal having boobs I guess lol. So il give it a try tonight thank you all. Can’t wait a comfy lay in tomorrow!! 🙂 xxx

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