I had my op Tuesday about9am so basically 6days p.o 🙂
Yesterday was the most horrific day I have had!! But today I woke up not too much pain(maybe coz I went back to the hospital painkillers hmm) anyways my boobs don’t feel really really tight today :-O and they feel softer iv been reading this usually happens a few weeks in …does this mean dropping etc will be quicker ?:D looks like my veggie diet and vitamins might be paying off :).. Also I had overs … They obviously feel smaller … Presuming I won’t know how big they gonna look for good few months! But is it true some people gain a cup size when swelling has gone and all the changes are happening 🙂
Anyone basically stayed the same size as whilst swollen?:)
Also can someone tell me when u know swellings has gone completely think mine has but want to be sure 🙂 I expected it to be about 2 weeks of it .. It’s a good job but don’t want to kid myself iv put two more pics on and have to say they look softer 😀 opinions please ladies I’m in the best mood today even with a frying pan of grease hahaa
Mine have started settling now hun and I’m 9days post op. They are moving closer together and starting to drop. One is still a bit swollen but they looking fab, brilliant as I had unders! I would expect overs to drop and fluff sooner. They will def grow more too! X
Aw u made my day :):) I’m having such an up day! Was ready through pain yest lol but v happy today and it’s sunny out 😀 I’m feeling so much better in a night lol glad it’s going well!! Still got my post op appointment hope scars are ok!eeek …
I’m sure they’ll be fab hun! Just remember to keep resting, I have to keep reminding myself haha. If you over do it you will ache so much! I went to cinema last night to see twilight and I couldn’t move when I came out I was in so much pain x
Have been over doing it tbh! I’m in today and gonna try stay in bed ! Eat rubbish food and I figure no point in losing too much weight till not in pain :).. I am eating fruit etc so it’s ok aha oh I want to see the new film is it worth going whilst I’m recovering ?:) my horrible boob is looking better anyway 😀 are u still all bloated or is it just me it’s just tummy n face now before was legs n everything :l xxx
You do right hun, have a very lazy day! I’d say yes its very worth it, give yourself another few days though as its really uncomfortable! I’m still a bit bloated but no longer constipated thank heavens! I’m sure my boobies have grown overnight they feel huge today 😀 x
Aw that’s ace to hear!:) makes me happy hearing good boob story’s:) is it just unders that can suddenly drop and look big? Not sure on overs hmmmm hopefully! I hope I can get cleavage I know some people just can’t ever I’m not sure I will tbh but as long as they are perfect size n shape and can get cleavage in bras :).. I had chronic constipation :l but think now that’s gone some of my waters gone I feel smaller 🙂 not sure if it’s water or the fact painkillers make me want to not eat hmm I’m eating even though I physically don’t feel hungry haha just feels adnormal not too!! I’m addicted to those orange matchsticks 😀 iv gained a stone since pre op appointment lol oh well boobs balance me a bit now I used to have to be like 7half /8 stone all the time not too look lardy arse!
Im now 3 weeks PO and left is quite sofe but right is still not dropping as much and still rock solid. Think there is something wrong as left was feeling good after about 10 days. I too have gained weight. Was 101 day of op and then went down to 99 in first week and now in 2 weeks gone up to 105lbs so about half a stone :/ xx
Ah you’ll feel better in a few days. Its defo the painkillers that do it, I’m only taking paracetamol. I’m sure overs will be the same, they still fluff so will appear to grow! I’m still looking a bit cone like at the min because of the bandages, they are changing everyday though like I said. All the nastiness is worth it!! X
Hopefully!:) yeah I’m still coney haha but amazing been 5 days and I’m softer got sensation and just feelin better daily:):) hope by the end we all have a big smile! Minisha hope it’s ok added u I have one that’s smaller and lower think it’s improving just wanes to take a look 🙂 and yeah deffo one is higher n harder lol joys of boobs!!! Ben though painkillers constipated me I love them and I’m all lalal a nice to everyone but the two days I did just ibuprofen coz helps swellings as well I was a BITCH from hell I hated me too!haha I’m thinkin we need lots of fat and proteins and stuff energy reserve to heal 🙂 think that’s why so far so good 5 days in thy look squidgier and I’m my tight :):)! So il think of losing it a little later for now just want symmetrical bouncy lovely big boobies 😀
What’s everyone measuring and looking now then with what size implants?:) xx
I’m adding more pics later so you’ll be able to see how mine are at the min. I was 32 a/b before I had 340cc unders and I’m filling out a D cup sports bra, god knows what size I’ll end up when I fluffed lol x
That’s amazing !:) gonna keep an eye out! Wonder what il end up with (hopefully massive bouncys hehe ) with 605overs hmmm exciting times so glad for them before Xmas or would ruin Xmas it was 8days after my birthday:) and glad before not summer so time to settle in:):)…. Plus u get them now u have every right to dress baggy and eat 😀 hha plus imagine the itchy flushed feeling u would get in summer! Had my little man in the summer and I remember the feeling of needing to express is the same as tight boobies! So happy can lie on sofa this Xmas eating with boyfriend hand down my bra 😮 haha and when I lie down il actually feel like a woman not a little boy!:D
We defo chose the right time of year lol. So happy to be able to wear a nice bra xmas day even if it can’t be underwired! Oh I so understand that feeling, I’m sat here in my pjs and actually have boobies instead of a washboard chest haha. Oooh you are going to be huge! Exciting stuff! Take pics everyday so you can see how they change! X
Hi girlies I was 6 weeks po yesterday I had me kazzazi so was bandaged up for a eek so didn’t see them but when they took them off my left one was so swollen compared to my right I really didn’t like them to be honest I regretted having them done they were still the same at 4 weeks I even phoned the nurse to say how much I hated them and asked if they could do anything about them the nurse said its swelling and will go down your still early days and omg was she right I absolutley love my new boobies now and the best thing I have ever done I have a little gap with no bra on but my god wen I have a bra on my clevage is fantastic which is more Important to me coz the only person that’s gona see then is my husband so give it time girlies they will settle and the swelling will go down and you will love your boobies I had 410cc unders happy healing girlies oh I was bloated for about 3 weeks which I wasn’t happy about but at 6 weeks po I’ve got my body back to how it was and couldn’t be happier xxxx
So glad to hear this so about 4 weeks post op they may just change 🙂 I’m pretty happy but just hope there’s a few more changes and they don’t have such a gap in my pics u can see the extend of shitness haha fingers crossed ! So pleased for u girls!:) xxx
Yeah they will change Hun but they will change loads up until a year my nurse and pc told me and that’s when you get the finished results glad your happy with them Hun my confidence has grown so much since I started liking then and now wear the clothes that I would never dream of just can’t wait to get measured and be wearing nice bras instead of the liquid bras I’ve lived in for the last 7 years lol I’ve added you as a friend lottie hope that’s ok Hun happy healing xxx
heya hun yours are looking so good. mine dont seem to changed much at all, still really numb and hard a lil worried. im loving them tho just hope they start changing soon, got a check up on tues so hopfully can relax after then. xx
I feel all small lol but pictures just don’t do boobs justice -.- I dunno I do love them and I can’t wait for the good chanes ahead!! Yours still rock?? Literally last night I was in ytears they were so so hard n tight… Then I literally woke up and felt looser 😀 and a little lower. 🙂 bet this will happen tomorrow for u 🙂 I can’t believe the difference a night made 😮 keep us posted … Where’s the pics now the bandages are off ?:) I wanna see !
I was in agony like crying for days 3-4! Now no pain :)I swear it’s the fruit iv been chomping haha who knows just hope my incisions are fine!!
Thanks Lynsey do u have any pics up?:) I love seeing progress pics!x
Mine was all numb but the feelings starting to come back now which I’m happy about but they still have alot of changes to go girlies they will keep changing up till a year po so be patient and they will settle and look fab xxx
Yeah got loads of pics on my phone just don’t know how to put them on here Hun ill have to wait till hubby gets home and he can do them for me I wanted to put a pic for my profile don’t like not having one xxx but fingers crossed it won’t be long til I have photos up to xxx
Aw I can’t wait I love seeing progress and how they change people’s lives 🙂 thy have for me !! Il keep an eye out 🙂 x
Do you mind if I add you all? I have my op next month? X
Go ahead 🙂 who u having and what implants Hun?:)
Yeah add away Hun I’m hoping i can put my pics up soon xx
Yeah I’m the same as you lottie I keep going through all my pics from pre op to just having them done to now it’s amazing how much they change in 6 weeks so never mind what there gona look like in a year can’t wait lol I’ve wanted mine done for the last 8 years after my kids my Lil boy is 9 and my lil girl is 6 next month and after you’ve had kids your boobies never look the same so they xxx
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