When do breasts soften? Started by: lala111

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  • lala111 79

    When do breasts soften? I had BA and uplift 4 weeks ago and my boobs are rock hard, shouldn’t they start to soften a little! I had textured unders if that makes a difference, when can i look for cc?

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun everybody different and soften up at different rates my boobs didn’t soften up till around the 12 week mark I’m now 7 months post op and my boobs feel like a pair of normal boobs now I wouldn’t worrie about cc round this mark Hun that usually doesn’t happen till around the 6 month mark xxx


    I wondered this aswell, I’m 6wpo today and my boobs are still hard, have dropped a bit though 🙂 x

    lala111 79

    Mine have dropped a little as well i hope its a good sign that no cc is coming. So what exactly happens when there is cc? All i know is that they remain very hard as they are. I decided to ask when they soften because I’ve seen a few girls posting videos on other forums of their boobs 3 weeks po and they are getting really soft and natural looking while mine are still so hard so it got me worried that i might be developing cc. But i heard that unders and textured ones take longer to soften because of the friction of the textured against tissues it makes the dropping/softening take more time and smaller implants also take longer as lighter weight implants don’t make use of gravity as much as heavy ones do. Also if you have an uplift like i did the skin is so stretched up holding the implant from dropping easily as fast as someone with BA only would. I dont know if that’s true just wondering

    Stephanie 137

    Mine started to soften around the 10-12 week mark also. 16 weeks post op now and they are gradually getting softer week by week. X

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun cc is when the scar tissue over scars basically and keeps foruming scar tissue causing it to harden and cause pain and can squeeze the implant making it look a funny shape sometimes textured implants have a less rate of getting cc fro my research xxx

    Cayler 56

    Mine softened pretty quick – they felt like normal real boobs at exactly 8 weeks post op xxxxx

    Cayler 56

    It did literally just happen over night tho xxxx

    Flo 19

    I’m 8 weeks post op and mine are still firm and don’t really move much-wish they would hurry up and soften! Xx

    lala111 79

    Thank you girls i am glad i am not the only one having this issue at 4 weeks. I wish you all a speedy recovery and quick softening as well. Love you all xx

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