When does it stop?? Started by: Leanne

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  • Leanne 4

    Hi ladies I am 6days post op finally get this strapping off tomorrow, but I am still in a lot of pain down the sides and under my boobs I’m still having to take paracetamol and Ibuprofen to help, still can’t get my self dressed or do a lot, I have 2 kids and my partner goes back to work Saturday so I really need to start getting better and get rid of this pain. It feels as if it’s bruised and as if my incisions are pulling ? Any advise to help ease the pain is welcome I have also given in and booked myself in to a salon to have my hair washed as I want to feel more human and start enjoying my new boobs xx

    La1993 28

    Aww bless you ๐Ÿ™ I felt like I was getting better around day 4 then on day 6 when I went to my nurse appointment I felt like crap!! I was in pain and aching and all sorts I’m now on day 8 and I’m starting to feel better ๐Ÿ™‚ are you taking all your painkillers and stuff? The last day I felt like my incisions were pulling was day 6 as well so that should stop soon ๐Ÿ™‚ mine are always worse in the morning and night. Finding it hard because my mum has had my daughter for a week and I miss her like crazy ๐Ÿ™ Hope you’re ok xxx

    Georgia 3

    I feel exactly the same still in pain and day 7 tomorrow don’t know how people can go back to work after a week! X


    I had my strapping off today, I couldn’t move my left arm hardly at all because I was in so much pain and now I’m fine. Feel hundred times better now that strapping is off so fingers crossed you’ll feel a lot better tomorrow as well! Xx

    Fionajsd 131

    It was probably 6 weeks before I started to feel much better, keep taking the tablets x

    Jo 35

    I’m just over 3 weeks post op, I can just about move my arms (although I haven’t got full movement back by any means yet)
    It gets better each day (with a few random patches of increased uncomfortableness which feels like a backwards step) but generally it’s getting better.
    My boobs feel sunburnt, so when my clothes rub against them it feels really nasty, although I took the band off today for about 10 minutes and they suddenly felt WAAAAY better so maybe when I can stop wearing that, the improvement will be pretty rapid (here’s hoping anyway!)
    Do you have to wear a band?
    Although all the information I was given said expect to do nothing for the first 6 weeks, I thought that this was just over cautious and I would be fine far before that, but for me, I think it’s going to be slightly uncomfortable for a little while yet.
    I drove for the first time this week and it was still slightly uncomfortable to change gear (my left side seems to be taking longer to settle down)

    Having said all that, which sounds pretty negative, I am delighted with my boobs and I wouldn’t change it for a second. It does get better and I’m sure in a couple of weeks once they have settled down, this stage will feel like ages ago!

    abby rose 59

    The first 2 days was the worse for me I was in so much pain I couldn’t lay I couldn’t sit up or walk or hardly go the toilet but I was getting fed up of not been able to do anything so from day 3 onwards I pushed my self to get up and walk and go the toilet and do things for myself and that helped so much but obviously don’t push your self to much xx

    Leanne 4

    Thanks ladies, I had my strapping off yesterday which does feel loads better, but strapping has dug in major and my sports bra seems to be rubbing on these cuts and my incisions, been in tears today as my eldest little boy is poorly and I can’t help him or even pick him up and look after him, hurts to even cuddle him ?? my parents have got them as I can’t even look after my boys as 1 is only 6months. I love this forum I feel as if we are all so supportive of one another because we know what each other has been through, don’t know how anyone else feels but I feel as if no one in my family understands ??? hope your all healing well xxx

    Amber 6

    Aw Leanne, just think every day will get better for you, every hour that passes is a healing hour โ˜บ๏ธ That’s what I keep telling myself anyway! We’ll be feeling better before we know it ?

    Gina 39

    Aw bless you!! Im 2 weeks PO tomorrow i still cant use my arms!! ESP ny left arm. My girl is 10 months and my mums has her for two weeks today ? we’re having her back this week maybe weds, im going to get my fiancรฉ to pick her out of her cot and bring her downstairs and we’ll have to just spend the day on thr floor inc feeding her. I cant have her there anymore ?
    Its so hard aint it gets depressing stuck indoors on the sofa!!! Everyone just says well its self inflicted!! Well i was depressed majorly before so i had to do this! Big sacrifise but worth it eventually!!

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