When is it safe to change / remove bra post op? Started by: Sarahx

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  • Sarahx 16

    Hi girls,
    Had my op on Monday and I still haven’t had a good wet wipe on my armpits since – sorry gross ha should I just keep the same bra on til I see the nurse in a week or change it? Just don’t want to risk any infections !!! Xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    You’re meant to wash your bra everyday chick, that’s why I was advised to get more than one! I also had a separate bra that I just used for bathing and wore that when I was having a bath so I didn’t get my dressings wet xx

    Sarahx 16

    Aw godddd… So just keep the bra on while washing and then change to a clean one? In so much pain I have hardly washed yet !! I’m guessing u just keep the band on throughout? They weren’t really clear on this in the hospital xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Ought no, bless you! Did you have unders, they’re meant to be more painful than overs! Yeah, that’s what I did anyway! Not too sure about the band though chick as I didn’t have one! Hopefully someone will answer you on that one xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    That’s meant to say ohhhh** ?? xx

    Ellie 279

    i had unders with the band. i kept it on the first week i only loosened it a bit and had to take it off to change bras quickly. i kept it on as i had a shallow bath but then once i was allowed to take showers at 1 week post op i took it off to shower xx

    Beverley 74

    Yes , you only take the band off when your having a shower or changing bras . I’ve had my band on for just over two weeks now and I’m getting use to it , but it will be utter blish when I get to take it off for good in less than two weeks … My nurse recommend changing bras on a daily basis, because it will help to keep the incision clean , hence it will stop it from getting infected .

    Kate 9

    Sarah did you have dr fuimara on Monday? I wasn’t told about changing bra either. A nurse phoned me last night to see how I was and she said to change today. I’m also dying for a proper pit clean ? x

    Sarahx 16

    Hi @kate ! Yes I did, she came in to check me but no one really ran through like cleanliness with me.. Only the tablets so I’m a bit petrified of Doing much! Still haven’t had a shallow bath as I’m scared il get stuck in there or slip so I’m wet wiping and flannelling in sink! I took everything off this morning to have a proper flannel wash and a breather cz it’s so incomfy it’s actually marking my skin! I’ve changed my bra over once onto my other Macom so think I’m gunna wear a new one every 2 days? Xx

    Sarahx 16

    How’s the pain with you? Mines getting fractionally better each day but still really achy and twinge when I move sometimes x

    Temi 29

    I kept my band and post op bra on for thr first week, until i met with the nurse. I think with unders, thats what youre suppsoed to do.

    Sarahx 16

    So annoying that I can’t upload any pics!!

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