When should I get measured? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m 6 weeks post op on Wednesday and starting to think about getting measured but I’m not sure if there is much point as they haven’t fluffed at all so not sure if I should wait a bit longer?

    Emma 2

    I got measured at 6 weeks because I wanted some nice bras after the post op bras. but I have changed in size now I am 6 months on

    Stephanie 137

    I’m 6 weeks post op too. Also haven’t fluffed out yet. The only place I got fitted so far was Ann Summers, I got a couple of the non wired Ellen bras for now.

    Stephanie 137

    @emmawilson1988 Did you go up or down in size after 6 months? Xx

    Susan 51

    @emmawilson 1988, please say up as iv seen a lot of girls say they are at their smallest by 6 weeks !

    Emma 2

    I went down slightly but it was the fullness not the size if that makes sense


    If u get measure when u haven’t fully fluffed or dropped the boob won’t for fully into a wired cup bra there will be a gap from the bottom therefore ur unlikely to get a very good fit… And may end up wasting money on bras u cannot wear in a few weeks. I waited til 7-8 wks as I had this problem. Was measured 28FF and few months later verging on 30G but thts dependent on style of bra tbh so I didn’t change in size if anything I got fuller as time went on.

    Amber 22

    I’m 7 weeks was so excited for 6 weeks but I just know mine are no where near ready for a proper bra. I did however buy some nice bralets just so I can try on and feel pretty for a moment. Also primark do non wired material bras if you didn’t want to spend much ( in case it’s a waste) I wore one for a night out but mine have been a little achy since so I’m back in the sports bra, It’s such a long process I thought at 6 weeks I would be good to go! xx

    Stephanie 137

    The non wired one in Ann Summers is only £10 atm. Since my 6 week appointment with the nurse I’ve been wearing that one during the day then switching back to sports bra at night. But yeah I’m the same mine are no where near ready for a proper bra yet. I’m guna wait a few more weeks to be measured properly xx

    Amber 22

    Oohh thanks for the heads up! I assumed it would be £30ish! may have to get one xx

    Stacey 498

    I got measured at 6 weeks post op but only bought the 1 bra at time and I’m glad I did as they have changed so much with me being 5 months post op now and the bra I did but doesn’t fit well now I would say if u can hold of I would and wait for few more week incase they do start to change more xxxx

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