When should I ice? Started by: Louisa Brown

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    I had my op this afternoon and am now home and all went well with the surgery!

    As expected, I am really swollen and my chest does feel very tight (not unbearable though!)

    I am just not sure when I can start putting ice packs on them to help reduce a bit of swelling? Wasn’t sure if today was too soon!?


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Louisa Brown.
    Kayleigh 1

    Hi, I also had my surgery today and having unders I wouldn’t recommend using ice (for under implants anyway). This is only my personal opinion and I’m not a professional. The reason I say this is because the ice could make the muscle contract more and cause further discomfort? but I think that also depends on how big your implants are. I went for 375cc so this is a big difference for me and the muscle is already very stretched and feels tight. On other forums I have read that using an ice pack can be effective for the first 48 hours but I would always check just to be sure x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Kayleigh 1.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Kayleigh 1.

    Oh really!! That’s ok then thank you!

    I had 375cc unders too! How are you feeling?


    Kayleigh 1

    This morning I am very stiff and it’s a real struggle to lift my arms. The incisions don’t hurt at all, I just have a lot of muscle pain at the moment and I have to have someone push me up from the bed haha. Did you try the ice? How are you this morning?x


    I am exactly the same this morning, very stiff across my chest and back and I really struggle to lift my arms too! Me too, my incisions aren’t sore at all as of yet it is literally just the uncomfortable muscle pain and not being able to get up without help! But once I up I am fine, feel like I have done a really harsh gym work out! Haha…

    Looking at your profile it looks like you went in with Dr Traynor just before I did and I went in straight after you 🙂

    I haven’t tried the ice I think I am going to leave them as they are, don’t want to risk anything! X

    Jenna x 53

    Had my op yesterday also! 350cc right and 375cc left partial HP. Iced at the hospital all day yesterday they said to carry on for 2 days afterwards but got some aching from the ice packs last night so to be honest I stopped then so will see how it goes today and judge if icing later is needed or not. Hope you girls are feeling okay today! Xx


    Hey Jenna! 🙂 ohhh I see!

    At the moment mine don’t feel to bad its more uncomfortable than sore I would say so I think I will leave the ice packs for now!

    How are you feeling? X

    Jenna x 53

    Exactly the same as you hun feels like done a bit too much in the gym but only popped 2 Nurofen to sleep with last night in case of waking up stiff rest of the time just a bit achy. Strapped up with that adhesive tape stuff so gotta wait 7 days til it comes off before I can see mine! Argh excited about that part! Lol
    Have to roll slightly to get up that looks pretty funny lol glad it’s not been too bad for you either love reading all the posts from people! Xx


    Oh good! It makes me feel so much better reading that we all feel the same the day after as I wouldn’t know what is normal and what isn’t!

    I’m sure yours will look amazing, I have no tape on and I really love mine already! X x

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