When to go out out? Started by: georgia

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  • georgia 12

    I’m currently wait my surgery which will take place in june(exciting!!) and i was just wondering how long after surgery girls started going out out and drinking as a few people i’ve aloken to have said they were fine a week after where as some it was months xx

    Claire 2

    I went out 4 days after!!!
    Think I overdone it but was fine at the time , then went out last weekend being day 9 & 10 post op! (Clearly went out fri and sat) I was ok then too.
    Just annoying finding things to wear while wearing the big old bras underneath! Xx

    georgia 12

    aw fab! yeah i thought it would be okay i’ll have to see how i get on! yeah was thinking about the bras as defo don’t want them showing ? xx

    Amy 3

    I went out drinking the day after and the day after that.. then out out 8 days after xx

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