When will the feeling return Started by: bell99

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  • bell99

    I am 5 weeks post op and was wondering when the feeling in my boobies will return. They are mostly numb underneath and around my left nipple, I know this is normal but just wondered how long it takes to get it back 🙂


    It can take upto a year for nerves to repair hun, occasionally they can remain numb before my reop id got to 7 month po and the feeling in top of my left boob still hadn’t come back, after my new op though its not as bad. It usually starts to fine back in 1st couple of months xxx


    Thanks becki90. I think I am just getting a bit impatient lol x


    I had a c section 5 years ago and the feeling there hasn’t returned at all, i asked Mr Traynor about the feeling returning in my boobs and he said the feeling doesn’t always return :$ x


    Would this be the same length of time for feeling to return after laser lipo ? I’m expecting numbness but when I had a previous surgery (not elective) the feeling returned after 8 weeks. This numbness is probably the only thing i’m a little worried about with surgery.

    My surgery is on the 19th December 😀


    I think this is the most frustrating part…they feel like they dont belong to you dont they. I am 5 weeks PO tomorrow and luckily have got quite a lot of feeling back but not all. Anyway my friend told me it took about a year and then the feeling did return.

    So just look forward to the day it does come back, Bell99 who was your surgeon?


    I’m 16 months post op and it took about 8 months to a year for most of the feeling to return. I still have a tiny numb patch but I hardly notice it so it doesn’t bother me x


    Aw thanks for all your replies 🙂 and boobenvy23 my surgeon was Mr Falladah x

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