Which body wash?? Started by: Laura (@laurawight)

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    Hi, it says in the pre-op booklet I got to wash with antibacterial body wash.
    Which is the best to use and where do I get it from? Thanks!xx

    Beth 9

    Hibi scrub is great and it smells pretty nice too! You can buy a big bottle from Amazon quite cheap and you dilute so much of it with however many parts water so it does go a long way! Some other girls use simple antibacterial wash and antibacterial soap which is available in Boots xx

    Freya 70

    You can get hibiscrub in boots hun, I used that the morning of my op but just been using femfresh wash in my bath & antibacterial wipes since then xxx


    Hi hun i used dettol antibacterial soap cost £1 and did the job then to smell nice i put perfume body lotion on missing my chest area x

    Fionajsd 131

    I’ve just bought that hibi scrub one I got it over the counter at the pharmacy x


    Thank you all! Do I just use it the once on the morning of my op?
    I’ll have a look in the boote near me and see what they have!xx

    Fionajsd 131

    Yes u do . It’s a big bottle :-/ bit of a waste for one shower! X


    Does seem like a waste haha but it’ll be worth it! Thank you!!x

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