Which Macom?! Started by: SJ

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  • SJ

    There are so many different Macoms which one is the best? Also are they worth the money. I’ve bought one of Asda’s new post op bras and a M & S one but I’m looking to get a speacialised one too and only wear the others once swelling as gone down. Any good websites for other options or is it just Macoms recommended as I’ve seen comments saying there uncomfortable?

    Gemma -1

    I love my macom, i have the 1007. I wear the m&s zip up for work and going out and then straight back in to my macom when im home!! So would defo recomend it 🙂 xx


    That’s the one ive seen hun, it’s a shame there’s no where you can try one on first! After the cost of my op then having to buy a v pillow and arnica and the rest I don’t have the money to kinda buy the wrong bra if you get what I mean so need to make site I get the right one. Think I’m gunna go for it and get one xxx


    I havent got a Macom and my recovery brasd area amazing! £4 from Sainsburys or £6 from tesco. They are brilliant! Dont waste money on a Macom you really dont need one – Mr Traynor laughed when i asked if i should get a macom one – he said any are fine not just macom. its all about whats comfy for you babe! Just try a few different supermarket ones then you have spares for when ones in the wash! 🙂 xx

    Laura 13

    How did u no what size to buy though lauren jessica?


    What does this garment do?

    Improves the end result of your breasts, enhances breast shape. This is worn instead of bandages as the strapping of bandages can cause blisters. The use of the chest band eliminates risks of blisters and sores forming.

    How long do I wear it for?

    Patients must wear a chest band for 2-4 weeks post cosmetic surgery. You will be discharged in one of these post surgery, however due to the length of time the garment needs to be worn patients often feel that is better to replace the garment.

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