Which Sports Bra?! Started by: Lexi

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  • Lexi 9

    Hi girls, I have my op on Friday and I’m not sure what sports bra to get. I know they recommend some but do they do the same as the ones I can pick up in the highstreet? What would you suggest? And how many do you think I will need for the first 6 weeks? Thanks xxx

    Lexi 9

    Also, when do you start wearing the sports bra? Is it after you remove your bandages? Thanks girls xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    Hi lovely, my op is on Friday too! Who is yours with? Shock absorber are apparently really good but you do have to get measured for those ones. But you just need a few really supportive ones. I have the one they recommended but I will also buy a shock absorber once the strapping comes off. And yes depending on your surgeon but you will need your bra for you 1 week post op check up x

    Lexi 9

    Hi Alana! My op with Mr.Singh, I was a night stay but they swapped me to a day case! How about you hun? Thanks for your help hun, I haven’t got a clue what size im going to be or even my back size so I’ve been totally clueless! Haha xxx

    Lexi 9

    Thanks Lucy, I haven’t got a clue what size to buy! I might go a big bigger to be on the safe side, hope all went well for you xxxx

    Alana Wise 48

    Oh really? Why did you get changed? I’m a day case with Dr Singh on Friday too. What size cc are you having? I would go in with a cheap on but get measured for a shock absorber maybe? Xx

    Lexi 9

    They said it could be a number of issues such as staffing? I’m having 400cc hun how about you? What’s your admission time? Thanks I’ll do that then 🙂 @alana-wise xxx

    Alex 119

    I’ve had the asda bras and the extra high impact m&s bras recommended to me by my nurse. Going to wait for the swelling to go down and my boobs to settle a bit then get measured for a shock absorber ultimate run xo

    Alana Wise 48

    Oh really? That’s not good. Hope you get a refund of the money. I’m having 300cc! So exciting! Getting so close now haha. My admission time is 10am, what’s yours? Xx

    Lexi 9

    Yes they said they will refund me so I hope they stick to their word 🙂 im staying in the holiday inn afterwards now! Oh I’m in at 7.30 so hopefully ill see you there xxx

    Lexi 9

    Thanks @alex91 ok just gonna take my asda bras with me then get measured to invest in a shock absorber after I think! xxxx

    Alex 119

    Yeah that’s what I would do 🙂 good luck for Friday! Xox

    Lexi 9

    Thankyou hun! 🙂 xxx

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