Which surgeon? Started by: staceylouise90

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    Hi girls

    Just wanted a bit of advice. I’ve been looking into getting a BA for years. I had a nose job with MYA 9 years ago and I’m having a TT in August with a private hospital, just wondered if anyone had any recommendations for a surgeon? I want a really natural look I’m currently a B cup (probably an A now I’ve lost weight) and would like to go to a DD/E cup. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks x


    Hi, I had my BA with Mr Giannas through MYA just over 3 months ago. Can’t recommend him enough top surgeon! And gives the most natural results.
    I had 275cc round smooth Moderate +.

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    Wow your results are great!! I’m just scared because I’ve got costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage attaching one of my ribs to my sternum) which flares up now and again, do you think they would still be able to operate with this pre existing condition? How was the pain when you woke from surgery? Are you happy you made the decision to have a BA? X

    Natilly 37

    I also went with mya and had dr sleiter who was fab, as for pre-existing conditions, they’ll usually go over all that with you and whether you’ll be suitable for a BA as you have to give a brief summary of your medical history from your GP anyway.
    I didn’t really choose the surgeon I was recommended by Mya that he would be best for me and I’m very happy with the results. So it may just be worth you talking to some consultants and they will recommend who will suit your needs.
    Good luck.


    Thanks hun, what size did you go for? I’m 5ft 7 size 8/10 and want to go to a DD/E
    How much research did you do beforehand? How long PO are you? Hope you don’t mind all the questions x

    Natilly 37

    I went for 300cc high profile round textured and they’re over the muscle. I’m 5ft 0” and size 6/8 (and very narrow or so I was told) so they’re a good size on my frame! I’m now a 32D but he did tell me about the sister sizes I can also wear.
    I did a bit of research but I think it’s so much more understandable once you speak to consultants and surgeons, don’t feel pressured into anything and you can get several opinions to make up your mind.
    I’m just over 7 weeks post op now and all is well, they’ve dropped and fluffed lovely so I’m happy. Asking lots of questions is great! It’s better to be prepared going in than not know a thing!


    My boobs are so small, I feel like even though they’re small they’re saggy 🙈 I blame the kids lol I’ve been wanting a boob job for years but having a tummy tuck in August as I hate my stomach the most 😑 the hardest thing is getting support off my partner he is just about accepting the TT but he’s completely against the boobies 🙁 he thinks I’m going to run off with someone! How much was your surgery if u don’t mind me asking x

    Natilly 37

    I know how you feel I was the same! I have 3 kids and my boobs were ruined!
    I know going through pregnancies have some serious physical and mental effects on a person and most of the time partners will say they don’t care how we look but the reality is, we feel uncomfortable in our own skin with all the changes and sometimes surgery is the only thing that’ll help!
    Mine was £6395. That was with an over night stay in London too. I also like the fact I don’t have to change these implants just get check ups every few years.


    That’s really good! Are there only certain implants that don’t need changing then?
    Yeah men never understand what we women go through, nothing changes for them!!
    Do you or did you have any regrets since having surgery or about MYA? X

    Natilly 37

    I assume so, I first had a consult elsewhere and they said I would expect to change them roughly every 10-15 years.
    These ones I was told are pretty much lifetime guarantee just need check ups every 2-3 years.
    I don’t have regrets no, I am so happy I went ahead with it, compared to what I had before I’m over the moon! I didn’t anticipate quite how long it would take to recover though, my right boob was totally normal after 2 weeks, the left took a few weeks more before it felt like a normal boob, now 7 weeks on and they’re great 🤣


    I’m just scared as breast cancer is in my family so kinda makes me nervous and because my boobs are small I just think how the hell would an implant fit in here lol how long did it take for u to feel completely back to normal? Have you experienced anything weird or strange that u didn’t expect? X

    Natilly 37

    You can still feel lumps and go for mammograms so try not to worry about that although I can understand your concerns.

    My left boob took almost 6 weeks to feel completely normal, after 4 weeks the pain stopped it just felt like a foreign object and not my own boob after that. It was still a little swollen until then, I was given the go ahead from the nurse to run short distances and massage them (they don’t usually recommend massage with textured implants) and it really helped because 6 weeks came, it dropped into the breast pocket and voila, excellent boob! 😂
    My right was perfect from 2 weeks no complaints whatsoever from that side. The things I wasn’t totally aware of was the kind of tingling pains you get from nerves regenerating and the amount your veins show at the beginning. They’re less noticeable now!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Natilly 37.

    Wow its crazy to think how much they change and how each boob is different, the main thing I’m struggling with is getting support off my partner. Did you have anyone who was unsupportive about your BA?
    My partner said if I decide to have it done then he’s finished with me which is really really ridiculous I think. It’s my body so it’s my decision. X

    Natilly 37

    I know! The nurse did say she thought I had less breast tissue in my left so it was a little tighter fit!
    My family are not fans of cosmetic surgery at all and aren’t happy about it but it’s my money and my body so 🤷🏻‍♀️
    My Partner has been very supportive though, he’s had to live with my misery for years 😂
    I think your partner is being over the top, surely he loves you and your family and that matters more than anything? I don’t understand why someone would begrudge another for wanting to be happier in themselves.
    You’re right it’s totally your decision, don’t let him control you, but at the same time I think you should have a serious chat with him, he must know how you feel about yourself? He sounds like he could be a little insecure and perhaps needs to work on his mentality? It’s hard when you have little to no support because your the one that ends up miserable!
    I hope you come to a decision based on what you want and no one else, its ok to do something for yourself once in a while, that probably sounds a little selfish but kids demand so much from us! 😂


    I think he is insecure, he’s not happy in himself so tries to make me miserable too, I think he’s being over the top because I’m having a tummy tuck in August and he said what more do I want.
    I think he’s jealous I’m having these procedures done and he feels like he’s had nothing for himself even though I’m paying for my TT myself 🙄
    My family say its my body and to do what I want, I do feel guilty about paying for surgery but I’ve been unhappy with my body since having kids and with my boobs even longer.
    I think I’ll get a consultation and see what’s what then make a decision from there. Do you think I’m being selfish? X

    Natilly 37

    No I don’t think you’re being selfish. I’ve felt the same since having kids because they make massive changes to your body that you just can’t sort out yourself with diet and exercise.
    Good luck if you do have a consultation and with whatever decision you come to!

    Chelsie 14

    Hi Stacey,

    My stats are similar to yours I’m 5ft7, currently a 34b/ empty C. I’m looking to achieve DD/E. I had an econsult and the surgeon said I would only need 250 and 275cc to achieve this. Although I am hoping to lose around a stone so I’m sure my boobs will get even more empty in the mean time! With picking a surgeon I have started the process with transform and MYA. My sister had her BA with Dr Sleiter and her results are amazing, she went from an A to a DD cup.

    My husband never wanted me to get my boobs done cause he said I’m beautiful as I am, but after years together and him seeing my struggle he has realised it will benefit me so much mentally. I hope things get better with your partner and no you’re not being selfish! It has taken me years to realise this and go for it! Xx

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Chelsie 14.

    Hi hun

    Mine look saggy and tiny since losing weight, I’m more of an empty B now, how was the online consultation?
    Has your sister had any problems? How you finding transform? Better than MYA or similar? When are you looking to get your surgery done? X

    Pamela 4

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    Hey , I had mr Masshadi and I’m 8 weeks post op now , what you have to have in mind is also the profile you choose , I’m 22 5’3 size 10/12 with a wide chest so my only best option was to go with moderate plus and I also wanted a natural look so I originally wanted 325cc hp but it would of given the obvious round stuck on look as I do have a wide chest and opted to go with 375cc dual plane moderate plus . Mr doctor was amazing and gave me that natural looked I asked for , I also showed him pictures of how I wanted them I made sure to tell him I didn’t want that round stuck on look that most girls like .

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    Chelsie 14

    Yeah I know I will lose weight from my boobs and they will look even emptier.

    The online consultation was good, I was really nervous about having to show my boobs on the camera but the surgeon made me feel at ease. My sister has had no issues what so ever.

    To be fair I think both of the companies are pretty similar. I’m looking to have surgery in april, what about you? x


    I’m not sure at the moment, I’m having my TT in August which is my big op I’m really excited about, maybe early next year even though I’d love to get then done this year but can’t really. Is there much price difference between transform and MYA? I just can’t wait to feel confident in my own skin and wear clothes I never would be able to before x

    Chelsie 14

    Oh wow you must be so excited! Good luck for it, hope it all goes well.
    Yeah there is a price difference, transform is £500 less.
    I can’t wait to feel confident in a bikini!! x

    Bee 42

    Hi Chelsie, what stats did your sister have beforehand, and how much cc did she have fitted? I have my uplift with implants next month with Dr Sleiter – I’m having 300cc mod+ round overs. So excited x

    Chelsie 14

    Hi Becks,
    She was a 30A and had 300cc HP round unders, that has taken her to a 30DD. They look so natural! I’m gutted as I wanted to go with Dr Sleiter but he’s not taking on any new patients.
    Ahh how exciting! I’m sure they will look amazing! x

    Bee 42

    Hey, thanks for getting back to me! that’s a lovely size, and I hope she is over the moon with them, especially if they look natural. Dr Sleiter is so lovely, and professional, too. Although all of the surgeons are pretty much fantastic, and I’m sure you will be delighted regardless of who you pick. I hope they look amazing… not long now! take care x

    Moni 4

    Hi Natalie, what size were you before?

    Natilly 37

    Hi Moni,

    I was a 32A before.

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