Why can't you wear eyelash extensions??? Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 16

    Why can’t you wear eyelash extensions when you having surgery it says that I can’t but find that really strange ??

    Megan 16

    hiya charlotte, I am a beauty therapist and i do eyelash extensions. Generally you wouldn’t be able to wear eyelash extensions during surgery in case they have to tape your eyes shut. So obviously if they need to do this, when they remove the tap it will put the extensions off with your natural lash with it. I hope this helps x


    You generally can’t have anything fake on ur body as it may harbour harmful bacteria which can lead to infection I.e MRSA which u really dont want!

    Everyone has bacteria on their body but when u add foreign objects to it I.e. fake hair/nails/eyelashes things can grow.

    Prior to surgery I was told to wash with hibiscrub which got rid of ans prepped my body for surgery you can get it from boots.
    It’s a preventive body and hand wash used by surgeons and their team in theatre to help prevent the spread of MRSA. Lots of general NHS hospitals give it to their patients to use before an operation.

    After surgery I was told to wash my body with sanex zero.
    Hope that helps.

    If ur unsure about any of the pre op info contact ur nurse or double check ur question on realself.com

    Charlotte 16

    Thank you everyone I was a little confused because i wanted eyelashs in so I don’t look as rough lol but now I know why thank you xxxx

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