why overs? not unders? Started by: Lucie

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  • Lucie 11

    Hi girls
    Mr Traynor has advised he will be putting my implants over the muscle, everytime I see girls on here with similar breasts to me there having unders? What makes the dession as I can’t see any difference to me and other girls! !!


    Sammi 8

    I am having overs as I have tubular breast. The recovery time is a lot quicker & less painful. Did the surgeon not tell you the reason? x

    Demi Mae 19

    Like Sami said overs heal quicker etc so is normally the best option if u get given a choice. I thought I was gonna be having unders as I’m only small, size 10/9 stone. But seen Mr Kazzazi and he told me he’s happy for me to have over muscles as I’ve got good skin and tissue, I thought I was a size B but he measured me at a size c. Xx


    I was sure I would need unders as very flat chested currently but my surgeon has recommended overs. It does seem though that everyone seems to be having unders at the moment. I’m having my op on Saturday and I’m still haven’t decided on size or wether to ask to have unders instead. Hoping I will have time to ask the surgeon on the day X

    Lucie 11

    Thanks girls; it’s a whirl wind !! I guess I’m just struggling to realise these surgeons have seen more boobs than we have had hot dinners and know exactly what it right for each body type lol xx

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