Wide Gap 265/325cc Unders Started by: Mary2017

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    Hi girls

    I’m 3 days PO and a bit worried about how wide the gap is between my boobs and how much side boob I’ve got compared to the upper part of my boobs. They are also a lot bigger than I thought they would be and I’m worried how much they can possibly change during the drop and fluff process.

    Admittedly I did have a wide gap before which my surgeon said wouldn’t change but I thought this might have improved a bit. I’m also thinking that maybe I should have gone over the muscle as this might have made them a bit plumper?

    Does anyone have any encouraging words on this about how things improved for you? I know it’s only early days but it’s so hard to visualise how they could get any better.

    Thanks so much for your help 🙂

    Kirsty 37

    They’re probably pretty swollen right now. I felt like mine were giant balloons on my chest at first but once the swelling went, they look a lot better. For the side boob question, what profile did you go for? Some profiles project more to the front rather than the side so lessens the side boob


    Hi Kirsty

    I got high profile so not sure if that make the side boob worse or not.

    Thanks for your reply x

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