Will 340cc or 380cc get me to a d or dd? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    From an a ? Xx


    If your surgeon has said it will take you to your desired size then trust him hunni x


    I do trust him its just its the biggest I can go and really hoping I get a d or a d would be better but girls I have spoke to with the same size only got a c and some got a d then others I have spoke to got an e its so confusing haha xx


    Haha aw everyone is different, it goes of your height, weight, frame size, & what size they started at etc so someone could have the same size implant but completely different stats. Have you already asked him for a bigger size implant? xx

    candybabey 3

    Hi, an implant size doesnt determine a cup size, everyone is different one may have same stats as you however May turn out to be a different size to you, example, skin elasticity, the breast tissue you start off with, the placement and height, your rip cage, weight etc,
    Your surgeon offer you the size he thinks will fit and if that’s the biggest he’s given that means your body will not fit a bigger size as the skin will need to stretch first. Sometimes if you ask you can ask your surgeon but just trust your surgeon x hope this helps


    As Candybabey says, it’s impossible to tell what size you will end up, height, weight and your chest anaotmy all come in t play, even women with the same size and stats as you may take CC differently depeanding on their chest wall. I know ladies who have your size who have ended up anything from a D to a G cup.

    it’s also not advisable to ask for a *CUP* size but better to bring pictures of the look you would like to you Dr. The size of the cup changes with the back band, a 32D and a 36C are actually the same size in the cup.

    Your idea of a DD may be totally different to your Drs, all the bras in the pic below are a D cup, which would be your idea of a D? You may think the last one but your Dr may think the 1st so it’s always better to show what result you would like. Also please not, implants look smaller than their natural counterparts as they are different shape, implants run wider than natural breasts as they somewhat solid whereas natural breasts are more or less movable bags of fat.

    I hope this helps!

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    kaydee thats so useful. ive been hung up on sizes. but we do really need to trust that our surgeon knows what theyr on about. And i agree with taking in pictures rather than asking for sizes. it makes sure your both on the same page!

    13 days & counting till mine!


    Hi thank you so much for your help,yea 380 are as high as I can go cps I only have thin right skin around them . I am happy with the choices offered and I do understand that everyone’s results are different even with the same size implant I just been worrying I won’t achieve the look I want but as you say I should trust my surgion and he is me mounir and he’s really nice and knows what he is talking about I guess is just me worrying thanks xx


    emma cc`s are the biggest stress for everyone i think lol x


    Haha I know tell me about it just can’t wait to get them done now xx


    Yes implants measure more than they look, so when I had 365cc and after 3 years post op I measured 30d/dd but looked only a c cup/small d.


    Oh that’s maybe similar to what I will be I know everyone’s different. Thanks xx


    Please can someone tell me how u can look at pics?xx

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