Will my 300cc implants get any bigger? Started by: Amanda Young

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    Hi ladies I am 2 days Op and I know it’s still early days but I am feeling slightly disappointed with the results as I feel they are going to bring me from a 32 A to a full B/C cup and I was hoping to achieve a D cup . I cannot see much a huge difference in size at all!. Do you think they will increase in size??
    Any before and after pics will be appreciated xx

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Amanda Young 8.
    HayH 28

    Amanda I felt the same as you on my 3rd day, i really thought they weren’t any bigger than my previous 34b, there not as high as I would like but I’m now 6 dpo and I have niticed a change allready, they take a while to adjust and will change daily, best thing to do Is take lots of pics, I was silly and forgot to get before pic! I’ll try and find and post here, it’s just a waiting game. Apologies for dodgy photos but had to zoom in as didn’t have any others x

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    HayH 28

    Before, not sure they are uploading


    They look great chick

    Trying to be patient cause every day they change a little bit

    Kay 48

    @Hayleylhass your going in my boob goals they are amazing!!! Do you have any before pics xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Kay 48.
    HayH 28

    Ah thank you @kay their still changing but hopefully for the better, I was silly and forgot to take before pics and all the ones in a bikini won’t let me upload! I’ll try and find one to upload x

    HayH 28

    Not great pic but before

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    HayH 28

    In a push up bra though before surgery


    This is how they look now

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Amanda Young 8.

    I’m unable to upload my pics unfortunately:/ @Hayley urs look amazing! I will start to take more pics and hopefully I begin to see a difference in size x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Amanda Young 8.
    HayH 28

    Thank you Hun. Good luck Amanda, give it time and if your really unhappy after time go back and speak to someone xx

    Heidi 217

    I had 300cc too, heres a progress picture:
    You’re very early days you’ve still got loads of changing to go:)

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    Nat 19

    Hey I’m the same stats as you and felt the exact same a couple of days post op but as they settle in and drop they’ll seem much bigger! It’s the squished up shape of them that makes them look small I think. I’m a 32dd now from a32a. So don’t panic just be patient 🙂

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