Wired bras??? Please Help! Started by: –

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    So I been for my 6 week check up today although I’m not 6wpo till Wednesday. So everything looks great they was really happy with my healing but I asked if I was aloud to wear a wired bra and they said no! Not till Mr Traynor sees me but that’s not till March! When did everyone else wear a wired bra.

    I should mention I am aloud to wear none wired now though Xx

    Stacey 55

    I got told at my six week check up I was aloud to wear one for a few hours but not all day. I’m three months now and Iv only really wore a wired bra a handful of times because I don’t find them comfortable enough yet xx


    Thanks hun Xx


    Hi Hun I got told I could wear one from 8 weeks. I’m now 4 and a half months post op and I still don’t find them that comfortable around my incision area. I much prefer bralettes or sports bras but do think this is due to them still needing time to settle a little more xx


    Thanks girls Xx

    Alice 11

    I’m 6 weeks post op today and I started wearing a wired bra about a week ago. My 6 week appointment isn’t even booked lol I havnt heard from my company for 5 weeks also went with a different company. My incisions feel fine on the wire though


    So strange how different the advice is. I had Marcellino and was told at my 6 week check up I could wear any bra I like now push up underwire whatever feels comfortable. Only advice on bras was to wear a sleep bra at night for life or as long as possible as much as possible. I wore an underwired bra for the whole day the last two days and they’ve felt fine. Must just be different surgeons have different opinions.


    Yes it is fully by how different surgeons say different things. I think it depends on each individual as well how well there healing ECT. Xx

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