wired feeling in one of the boobie Started by: AnnElize

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    I am now 17 days post op…Since the beginning I had the right boobie more sensitive, after the surgery.
    But for 4 days I have a weird feeling with it. Every time I bend I feel like water spilling from it. Like the implant is a bag filled with water and it spills.
    Another thing is that I start putting bio oil on the stretch marks and I put it on the aura around the nipple too, because the stretch marks starts from there. I’ve noticed the skin changed the colour where I put bio oil plus it is now more sensitive and like more thin.
    Other thing is that I feel the boobies numb where the implant is outside the muscle (I had partials) I mean in the bottom side of the breast.
    Anyone experiences similar things!?


    Me! Had my strapping off today and feel exactly same things so so strange I don want to bend over becuase feels like my implants are sloshing about haha x

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