Wonky boobs!! Started by: Sally

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  • Sally

    Hiya! I’m two weeks 5 days post op from 340cc under muscle.. And looking in the mirror today my left breast seems lower and larger than the right… Is this normal?? I have heard of dropping and fluffing etc but isn’t it too early for that? I’m just a little worried!! I don’t want wonky boobs!!
    Thanks in advance!!
    Sally xx


    Hi hun you are still very early days and you have to remember each boob is a separate surgery and will heal, drop and settle at slightly different rates. Most surgeons will suggest 6 months is a good time period for them to be truely settled and to see the final result, this is the reason they wont do any revisions before that, you will be fine, don’t worry xxx


    Mine were wonky for ages, one sat lower and one more to side, they sorted themselves out over time and are the same now x

    Amy 19

    I’m 4 weeks post op on Monday and mine are the same! My left is rounder and pointing to one side whereas my right is lower and forward 🙁 spoke to a lot of girls and they’ve said this is normal so I wouldn’t worry 🙂 xx


    I’m just over two weeks and mine are still odd, I think one is dropping at a quicker rate, but mine weren’t even to begin with so it might stay that way xx

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