Worried!.. Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 6

    So my ops Friday im having 375cc hp particals from a 32A and ive only bought a macom and then two sports bras, there both a 32DD these should be the right size right…im around 5ft6 8 and a half stone….also ive just got my admission time for Friday 7am anyone else who had this time, what time did you go down and when was you aloud to leave? Xxx

    Sophie Clare 17

    Hi babe,
    Good luck!!! keep me posted how you feeling. Luck you are an early one. I have two Macoms and plan to buy two sports bras once my strapping comes off to make sure I have right size. xxx

    Danielle 6

    Thanks hun 🙂 I will do! I just hope the 32DD fit I know the macom will! If I like it I’m going to get another I think too 🙂 xxx

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