Worried about past mental health causing op to be cancelled Started by: Jemma

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  • Jemma 4

    I’ve seen a few people online advising they’ve had their surgery cancelled with mya due to previous mental health issues.

    I’m fine now and have been for a few years, the last time I went to the doc was in Dec 2016 for anxiety due to my grandad passing away, but before that I was seeing a psychiatrist from 2013-2015 for depression, anxiety and an eating disorder.

    I’ve paid my deposit and got my surgery date but they haven’t asked me for any medical records yet from my gp, I want this operation so bad that I’m so worried in case they say they can’t do it because of my mental health years ago!

    Has anyone been in a similar situation and was everything okay in the end, or did it call issues?



    Hey chick, don’t paid too much … I’m bipolar & didn’t have mine cancelled. I panicked in the last 2 weeks before my operation cause Mya suddenly asked for more details … I sent them a letter from my Dr saying they had no concerns but that wasn’t enough so I spent out & had an hour with a Dr Mya recommended, she gave me a full letter write up to give to Mya & I didn’t hear anything more about it.

    I get they were looking after the themselves & me by confirming everything was ok but I was a bit ticked off being asked so close to surgery … Was stressful & had to run around!

    Kayleigh 9

    Don’t worry I think as long as your on no medication for at least six months before op it’s ok xx


    Exactly, I’ve had no issue since my teens & as long as I took a break from the medication I’m on (endometriosis) they were cool

    Natasha 3

    Hey Hun,

    As long as you can supply your medical history and prove that your either taking or not taking medication for 6 months you will be fine. Your medical history will have all your discharge letters too.
    The only thing they may ask for is that they get a second opinion which they will say if they need it but all your medical history should be fine alone.

    I had to jump through hoops to get all my results from blood tests and my doctors took ages to get my history over to them. The nurses will review your paperwork, but I was told I couldn’t book my op till all my medical history was reviewed and given the ok.

    But if you have any worries I would talk to your patient coordinator they will give you all the information you need. Fingers crossed for you!! Xx

    Lauren 54

    I have had mental health issues all my life but my op was fine. As long as you’ve been discharged from psychiatrist for 2 years and any anti depressed meds or similar you’ve taken for 6 months or more they seem to be fine with it. If your recent history is quite erratic they may ask you to see one or their doctors for an assessment which you would have to pay for x

    Mia 2

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    I’m really nervous about this too, I’ve read that peoples ops have been cancelled days before and they’ve struggled to get a refund, and their mental health issues haven’t been that extreme. I’ve been in hospital 10 times within the past year because of my mental health so I’m really anxious it could happen to me. 🙁

    olivia 5

    did they go ahead with the operation?


    Funny you mention this. Iv paid my deposit and secured my date for the op. I’d signed the letter MYA sent to me which they have to send to your doctor and 2 days ago I received a letter from my doctors asking me to book in for a ‘routine appointment’ due to a letter they received. But of course they don’t ever tell you anything over the phone when you book up the appointment. Leaves me bloody paranoid and full of anxieties now for the next couple of weeks!


    They cancelled mine yesterday. I took an overdose in March as I had a relapse. However I’ve not been on any medication for over a year and ans haven’t had any relapses since. My surgery was supposed to be in 8 days 🙁 my psychiatrist review in July says I am not clinically depressed and am able to informed decisions, however he did diagnose me with Emotional personality disorder. It’s frustrating because I never found out he had diagnosed me with anything until I went to collect my GP summary and letter to give to MYA. He actually told me he wouldn’t diagnose me until he had another appointment. Waiting for a call back today from MYA to discuss what the next steps are. I paid in full and I am worried they won’t refund me. I booked it in the 6 week holiday so brcause I’m a teacher. Absolutely heartbroken. I’ve been counting down the weeks for so long only to have it all snatched away from me right at the last minute 🙁

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Paula.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Paula.

    Hi Paula, did you hear back off then? I’m also worried about something similar xx



    I’ve had many instances of needing antidepressant medication over a 25 year period for various reasons. I went back on them last November and told the PC this at MYA. When I saw the surgeon he asked me to get a letter from my GP to confirm they have no concerns about my ability to make the decision for surgery. My GP faxed this over and everything went smoothly. As long as you have been on new medication for six month prior OR stopped taking it for more than six months you should be ok. This is because it takes this length of time for the tablets to do their job or for them to leave your system long enough to show it has not caused a decline in your mental health.

    Remember, things like capacity to consent to surgery can be affected if your mental health is not stable therefore if they did not check you are able to make this decision and went ahead, you may then regret the surgery and it would be their liability for not making sure you are able to make the decision.

    A lady in Manchester a few years ago commited suicide after surgery (with another company) as she hated her new boobs even though they were perfect. This was because her mental health was poor at the time. MYA are actually being very responsible in ensuring their patients are not only physically but also mentally well enough to go through this. It’s a major surgery with a long recovery and they’d be silly not to make these checks.

    As long as your GP is supportive you will be fine, please don’t worry too much about it, you’d be surprised how many ladies on here have had past mental health issues ? xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Glitter Queen 6.
    olivia 5

    i was worried for ages as to whether they’d allow me to go through with surgery due to my past mental health history.
    mya asked to see a medical summary, but it said i overdosed in 2016 and self harmed, so they asked for further information (which costed almost £30 for the report) and this wasn’t enough, so i had to book an appointment with my GP to have a mental health review and she wrote another report (again which costed another £30) to say that i seem fine now. i only got that last report 4 days before my surgery date so as you can imagine i was worried sick as to whether she would say i was fine or not, it included a lot of hassle ringing the doctors pestering them to send mya the report but we got there in the end. i’m 1 day post op and things couldn’t have gone any better, just persist with it and it will be fine!x


    Did they go ahead with it? X

    Mel -3

    I didnt have surgery with mya but I had anorexia from the age of 12-21 im now 25 i do still struggle a bit but i am a healthy weight and doing well. my surgery was postponed whilst i got my medical records for them but then they were happy to proceed. Think they just want to be certain you are mentally and physically ok to undergo surgery.

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