worried about work knowing!! Started by: emma79

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  • emma79

    Hi im booked in end of next month, gettin worried now but excited!! My only concern is my workplace being told!
    There all women, but it can get very bitchy as people will be aware working with women!! I havent told them yet and worried about getting the time off and there opinions etc! Its working with children too so how long would people suggest having off? And anyone else had the same worries, and what were there reactions??


    I would have at least two weeks off and take it easy when you go back no heavy lifting . Im a mum of two and know from breastfeeding my lil girl how tender swollen boobs can be
    Lil elbows can hurt a lot . Its none of works business where you are or what your doing really i think telling them your having a small op is more than enough info . They are sure to notice after so if you want to keep it a secret id start stuffing your bra now so its not much of a difference after x


    Hi emma,
    Im 3 weeks post op and peoples reactions have been intresting to say the least!!!!! Im a childminder so visit toddlar groups, school run etc on a daily basis, ive had few people say well done and how they admire me for getting it done the others have been rude and bitches!!!! Ive put this down to jelousy, i think at least ive had the guts to do somthing with my body which i was unhappy about, others would rather moan for the rest of their lives and be unhappy and miserable, perhaps this is harsh but my thoughts. My partner was unsure at first, but supported me all the way, now hes over the moon with them, if it wasnt for his support i probally wouldnt have gone ahead with ba. Hold your head up high, at the end of the day your better than the rest of them.
    Make sure you try and take it easy with littleones, i pushed a buggy 2 weeks after surgery and did find it a bit of a struggle, especially uphills, i was advised to have 2 weeks off work, but had my daughter to help me so went back more or less straight away(with being self employed needed money).
    Good luck to you ladies getting yours done xx


    hello ladies.

    im worried about my work finding out too @ the moment.. just with having the time off. Im an air stewardess & have booked my op for oct 21st with Dr A. I mean the doctors note will cover it/ time being off.. its just my company are @ risk of making over 120 crew @ my base redundent and im worried if i have this time off sick they can use it as an excuse & get rid of me. If i book it off as leave you think 18 days off work would be enough with out going sick after? or you think i should wait til jan when its a quiet time of year & would know for defo about position of job by then? much advise needed please.. thank you . xx


    Hey hostie

    From reading your story, in my opinion, I would leave it til next year. ONLY because of the lack of stability of your job. If you think about it hun, you’re job would possibly involve lifting and carrying? e.g. if passengers need help with putting their luggage in the overhead compartments?? Everyone is different with recovery, and I think you would need to make sure that you were 100% recovered before you go back to work, which might mean longer than 18 days leave????

    Also hun, do you think you would be able to wait an extra 3 months to have your BA?? It wouldn’t be like you would have to wait for a full year!!! :bigsmile:

    HOWEVER!! I’m sure a company cannot make you redundant for having sick days off??? Surely they would need more reasons other than about ‘sick leave’ wouldn’t they? Maybe, how would you feel about talking to one of your managers?? maybe they could advise you on the best option?? Or would that be out of the question hun?


    x x x


    Hi and thanx, i know i shouldnt care but i do. And your right it probably is jelousy!! Im doin it with or without there blessing so see what comes hey!! just the telling them bit thats puttin me off lol! Ill do it, its gotta be done soon!


    I think its the people close to you that matters as long as they support you it dont matter what anyone else thinks . You get name called for drivin nice cars or going to pick your kids up from school with your make up on . If you worry what other people think it will just make you un happy . My advice is to rise above it hun . People only talk behind your back when they have dull an uninteresting lives they have nothing to do but idle gossip . Get your boobs an enjoy being a more confident you .


    Thank u clare an good luck on yours if u havent had it done yet!! xx

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