Worried – Contracepive pill need advice???? Started by: Demi

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  • Demi 67

    Hi girls, I know its not very nice to talk about sometimes but my nurse told me to stop taking my pill 4 weeks before my op and I have but mine is the one where I don’t have periods, so I know when I don’t take it I can get irregular bleeding so I’m just worried incase on the day i’m bleeding they wont do the op. I’m going to ring up tomorrow and see what they say but just wondering if anyone else knows anything about it? xx


    Babe don’t worry it’s ok if ur on, I was worried I would have been on but it came a week before. I asked a mate off here as she was on during her op.

    They can still operate just wear a pad (you cannot wear a tampon) and 100% cotton knickers let ur nurse know. As she will give u some knickers on the day also. Don’t worry though it’s ok! Fxx

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