worried i won't be able to go to the size i want? Started by: Francesca

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  • Francesca -1

    ah i’ve not even had a consult yet and i’m already panicking!
    My boobs now are very small, i’d say an AA, or an A in some other bras. I’m confused about them not being able to “fit” an implant in?
    I would like to be a full C and i’m worrying he won’t be able to let me go that big as the implants may not fit?! I will be so upset if i can’t get the size i want!


    I’m the same as you, 32A/AA depending on the bra, with no loose skin that needs filling, and I’m booked in to have either 340 or 375 (not yet decided!) partial unders next Friday. I’ve been told they’ll take me to a large D so I’m sure you’ll be okay! 🙂 x

    Laura -1

    Hi Hun,
    I’m currently a 36AA an i am having 560cc partial unders May 3rd so it is possible……which im hoping will make me a large DD possibly an E i would of thought that with you wanting to be a full C you may need about 350cc… i started out wanting to just look natural now after all the research ive done ive decided 560 so anything is possible…..Don’t fret sweet do LOADS of research i am constantly googling an i can assure you from that you’ll get a better understanding and a feel for the sort of size that you could achieve…..xxx
    P.s i have got booby greed i will admit ….. and ive not even had it yet 😛

    Francesca -1

    What are partial unders Laura? 🙂 i know what unders and overs are but what are partials? Thanks girls!!xx


    Partial’s are unders, full unders aren’t used in normal surgery, usually only kept for reconstructive or gender surgery. They are called unders for ease, it’s it’s placed under the first of three layers of muscle (hence partial) xx

    Laura -1

    🙂 So it is basically where the implant is placed in a way that the upper two thirds of the implant are placed behind the chest muscle 🙂 which can reduce the chance of rippling because the implant is hidden…I would think that your PS would suggest you having the same especially if you don’t have a lot of breast tissue like me….Hope this helps 😀 xxx

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