worried my breasts are the 'wrong type'' for implants…. Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley 1

    Hi there everyone..

    I recently had a consultation with Mr Kazzazi and I was really happy with what was said etc, I’m just so worried I have the wrong type of boobs and as I see them theres not enough room below my nipple for the implant so im scared they’re going to be really full up top… when I was breast feeding my boobs got full of milk and they looked so strange as the fullness was mostly above my nipples, I’m just dreading if I have them done and I end up unhappy… as I’ve been offered under the muscle im even more concerned as I can imagine this adds to the puffy up top look, any advice or experience really welcomed xxx

    Jade 12

    Hey hun I had hardly any length underneath my nipple to my crease fold, well I didnt even have a crease fold because I had no boobs lol but ive had 350 overs and they have filled it out fine as far as I can see (i only had them done yesterday) but you will be fine they can lower the fold if they need to but you can add me and see how mine progresses if it will help x


    Hun u dont have the wrong type of boobs there is no such thing.. and if ur crease is to high ur surgeon will lower it.. but i doubt that hun.. he certainly wouldnt make u look ridiculous.. they will be great.. if ur worried go back to him and discuss ur issues more in depth if u havent already.. u will be surprised at what a implant does and fills spaces u thought u never had x


    Hey chick unders don’t really fluff up as they are incased in muscle so this this makes them sit high up u got nothing worry about as your surgeon knows wot he’s doing x

    Hayley 1

    Thanks for you replies ladies,mr kazzazi did say itll be okay, but i didnt know if he was just thinking id be happy if they were just bigger and not the right shape as well, if you get what i mean. The shape is actually more important to me than the size… i’m not sure if i can borrow images to post on here, but this is what i don’t want…
    I am quite difficult what it comes to my looks, if i have say my eyebrows done i always come out disappointed, imagine if i came out post op and i didn’t like them!?
    i will have another consultation i think…. :/ xxx

    Amy 265

    Hayley please don’t worry Mr kazzazi is the medical director for Mya he is also a top breast reconstruction surgeon. He defo knows his stuff about boobs!


    Hey chick to fair the implants will give your breast Even your nipples out as unders spread out more xx


    That’s y he pick this implant placement for you he knows wot your body neededs x

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