Worried! This isn't normal, surely?! Started by: Joanna

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  • Joanna

    So I’ve just got out of the bath. I looked in the mirror and noticed what looked like shower gel underneath my boob. I remove and went to my bedroom, the ‘shower gel’ had returned. I looked back in the mirror and fluid started trickling from my right incisions, I am by all means not being dramatic I have just had to change my clothes (including bottoms) as the fluid practically poured out to the point it reached my feet. I am so shocked.
    I have just looked and can see there is a hole on at the end of my incision. it looks red.
    My incisions have been sore but I thought it was normal to be honest.
    Please can someone shed some light onto this? As I’ve never read anything like what I’ve just experienced.
    I am calling MYA in the morning but feeling very crap and again concerned. Xxxx

    emma 3

    Ohhhh …. i hope you are ok… never heard of this before …has your breast changed shape at all… is there an emergency number you can ring? Xxx


    How far post op are you? I was told to avoid getting my inscions wet for at least 6 weeks and to have only shallow baths or wear waterproof dressings in the shower. If you’re still early out and submerged your incisions in the water you might have a small infection, get hold of your nurse as soon as you can and let them know whats going on, they will likely give you a course of antibiotics and tell you to keep it totally dry for a few weeks to clear the infection so it doesn’t spread to the pocket. x


    It may just be bath water as I don’t think your supposed to have a bath till you get the ok at your week check. Can imagine how worrying it must be so def call them xx


    … I’m 5 weeks post op, the weirdest thing is I was just about to get in the bath and it I saw a bit of ‘shower gel’ aka fluid on my stomach but again thought nothing more then me just being clumsy.
    I’ve called the emergency number and of course she’s not here in person so can’t give me an explanation.. I am too book an app for tomorrow. I’ve looked in mirror again and a bit more is oozing out. I am so freaked out.
    No, my boobs haven’t changed shape a drastic amount I don’t think?
    It’s that’s really interesting as I was told I could get them wet a couple of days after my 1 week check up but pat them dry to avoid infection/irritation.
    I’m pretty annoyed girls, firstly I had blood blisters which looked awful and now this ! xxx


    *6 week check x


    *sorry for spelling mistakes girls so sleepy but worried! Thanks for all the advice & support xxx

    emma 3

    Yeh… I just Googled it and it said it could be a sign of an infection. .. best speak to your nurse tomorrow. … hopefully it can be sorted with antibiotics xxx


    I was told at 1 week could get them wet in the shower but not to submerge in water. Fingers crossed once this is sorted no more probs 🙁 xx

    emma 3

    Try not to worry hun.. im sure they can sort it xxx


    Oh really Trish?
    I seriously don’t remember hearing that?! I’m quiet a cautious person too!
    It was just before the bath though which is so strange! Then the trickling happened after yes..
    And when I said to the nurse “I’ve just got out the bath” she didn’t mention anything. 🙁 oh gosh xxx


    Thanks girlies 🙁 xxx


    Just try and stay calm and get some rest, it is def some kind of infection but it sounds small and like you caught it early, if your stressed out your body will have a far harder time fighting it off. Get some rest and they’ll sort you out at your apt tomorrow. Getting them wet a few days post op is usual ok given it’s showers but submerging/getting lotions/scar treatments near them isn’t advised untill you’re full healed ect. Let us know how you get on good luckx


    Well that’s not really a surprise as everyone gets very conflicting advice from different nurses and pc’s
    I forgot to ask at my 6 week check if I could now bath..tbh I’m more of a shower girl anyhoo so didn’t really bother me to ask. Hope its nothing serious hun. Can only think that it would be the water not sure what else it could be. Make sure they let you see someone tomo
    Try not to worry, easy said than done I know and let us know what they say xxx

    Rinx ♥ 4

    Have you read my whatsapp? Sounds like sermona if I spelt that right ! Build up of fluid too quickly so it’s reasling through your incision ! Ring the nurse xxx


    Thanx Rinx glad I got you!
    Bad news I’ve woke up and it’s still trickling out as soon as I take off the tissue – worst part is when it dries it’s a yellow colour.. *yuck*
    When I put the toilet tissue on it to stop it leaking I put 7 strips on and it’s leaked through every single 1.
    I am so freaked out 🙁 xxxx


    Hope u get it sorted easily today with the nurse Hun and keep us updated xx


    Oh hun I can’t believe this!!! I’m SO sorry to hear this and hope you get it sorted today. Let us know how you get on ok. When did you start having baths out of curiousity as maybe it’s why as your not meant to submerge incisions in water for six weeks and maybe this is why? Don’t worry hun you will get it sorted today but very annoying you have to deal with something else now ffs 😐


    Poor you, was hoping that you’d say this morning that it had stopped. Sounds like an infection if it’s a yellow colour. I’m sure a course of anti-biotics will clear it up and you’ll be back to normal asap…:( xx


    Hi ladies..
    Got a ap for tomorrow at 4:30 so will find out whats gone on then! However spoke to nurse today and she thinks it may be where my body is reacting to the stitches.
    It’s still leaking today and i’m at work – feel awful to be honest. when it comes out it’s clear but then on the bandage i’ve strapped on its yellow.
    Can’t deny i feel so pissed off, first the blood blisters now this. I had one bath about a week ago and then another yesterday. I surely would remember being told i couldn’t bath, if i did i definitely wouldn’t have!
    Just hoping its nothing serious but find it highly worrying knowing nobody on here seems to have been through this…
    Again, thanks for all your support xxxx


    Hey! It’s easier for me to say not to worry! But guess your very anxious in your wounds just healing. But just remember time never stops and each day that goes on you will eventually get there. Some people take a lot longer to heal than others and sometimes materials that are used don’t actually agree with everyone! But you will get there in the end and you will love your new boobies. Speaking from experience although not a operation directly with my boobs. I had another operation which the wound got infected purely because I managed to get soap inside! Xxx


    Hi Hun, what did they say? Xx


    Hope they soughted you our hun? xx


    How did you get on hun?


    Hey girlys,
    So i saw the nurse yesterday at 4:30, she cleaned up my right incision and i now have dressing on the wound and can’t shower for 3 days. I’m going back every 3 days until healed to prevent infection etc.
    She thinks my body rejected the stitches.. odd considering i’m over 5 weeks post op and only now this happens but hey. All in all just glad i dont have to see that fluid pouring out of my boob ever again (hopefully)! Seriously scared me.
    You girls were all right i shouldn’t of had a bath and if i’d of known that i definitely wouldn’t of!
    I will keep you all posted and let you know how i get on in terms of recovery.. thanks for all your support. really does put a smile on my face 🙂 xxx


    I spoke too soon.
    Just as i was typing to you all, i’ve looked down and the fluid has leaked from my dressing, through my sports bra and through my dress.
    So pissed off.
    It hasnt even been 24 hour yet! I explained to the nurse exactly how much fluid came out and just how shocked i was. I called the nurse straight away and she asked me to come in this afternoon – but i have a life, i work 9-10 hours a day, i can’t drop what i’m doing. I live almost 2 hours away from London so hardly have the time to travel up on a Saturday just to see the nurse for NOTHING TO GET ANY BETTER. Hate to bitch i really do, but I can’t stress enough how angry this has made me.. I’m not a dramatic person but i’m seriously on my last legs with this whole op. I had rhinoplasty and had not one problem. Anyway, I know have the rest of the day at work sitting at my desk with a leaking boob. I could cry. No, wait I am.


    Oh hun!!!!! I feel your pain I can’t believe it’s leaked again!! This is a joke!! Can you not get a doctors appointment with your GP and see the nurse to sort out dressings rather than trecking all the way to their clinics?! And what is the fluid that’s coming out!?? Can’t believe how much stress you’ve had with this op! Sending you big hugs Jo!

    ayshababy 5

    its weird coz infection will come out yellow/thickish liquid like pus, or green even. and most cases it smells, causes more pain, redness or swelling,
    clear fluid sounds more like serosanguinous fluid (or ” blood plasma”) which comes out when our body is trying to heal, but not usually in such big amounts!! try not to worry i know its hard but itll be okay. i panicked so much when fluid dripped down my stomach and when the nurse took off my bandages bloodblisters had formed and caused “trauma” to my incision n i had to keep having it changed,so i know how worrying it can get! get lots of rest/dont overdo anything x cant you go to your regular doctor they might be more helpful? x


    U shouldn’t be at work.. Can’t u leave :(!!!! X


    Poor you I really feel for you. Is there no chance that you can get signed off maybe , did the nurse say you need to rest up?? I’d be seriously cheesed off if I had to make that journey, they really can’t expect you to keep coming back surely..try not to get too down xxx


    I’m so sorry hun x I would advise you see your GP and ask for antibiotics as a precaution, it’s not an infection at this stage as Aysha also said, it would be thick and yellow, if it’s clear fluid your body is trying to flush it’s self, it does put you at risk for an infection so antibiotics can’t hurt. Hope you feel better soon xx


    hope you get it sorted soon hun, I gree that you should def go and see your doctor xx

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