Worrying Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 1

    Is it normal to worry about the size you have choose because I’m really worried it’s not going to be big enough for me.

    When I tried on thr sizing bra it didn’t give me the wow factor but it was a big difference, but now accurate is this???

    Argh don’t know if I’m over thinking it :/


    When I tried them on it’s totally different now I have got them properly done. What size did u go for and what size are u now

    Nikki 1

    I’m a 36b and having 400cc high profile overs

    Jay Roe

    This is the reason I went back today for second consultation with mr mounir, he gave me an increased size only 50cc which is hardly anything, and after trying them on again I felt right this time! I’m more excited now! Only 32days, if your unsure email your PC and go back. The last thing u need is to leave it to late an be unhappy on the day of surgery. I was losing sleep an all sorts but I’m pretty sure I’ll sleep tonight xx

    Nikki 1

    It’s not going to hurt to ask again is it, I might have to just to put my mind at ease, I just want to get it right xx

    Jay Roe

    I was exactly the same honestly, so dnt worry yourself, make sure you get what your wanting x

    Nikki 1

    I’ve just emailed my Pc Kimberley to see what she thinks and suggested I could maybe see him again, we didn’t really discuss if I could have a bigger one he just said 400 should achieve what I want but after the sizing I just don’t feel it looked like a dd.

    When do you have your op xxx


    I’m a small 34B having 400cc overs to (hopefully!) get me to a D. From what I can tell the wider your back the bigger the implants you can have. As well with the high profile’s they are slightly slimmer than the moderate+ etc. so you can definately get away with a little bigger in my opinion… not that I’m an expert! What sizes did the surgeon offer you?
    I don’t think the sizing bras make it easy to envisage what you’ll actually look like post-op. They are really just a very rough idea. I think you should deff go and see him again, it’s too late once they’re in there! xxx

    Nikki 1

    400 was the highest he wrote down but I don’t know if this was my max or not as we only discussed being a D but after thinking about it I think the size I’ve actually got in my head is more DD to E, I’ve booked to see my surgeon again on the 28th as he’s in when I have pre-op so worked out quite well I can see him just before it.

    I just really want to get the size right because of how much I’m spending and most importantly so that I’ll be happy with the results xxx

    Julieg1 1

    Glad you are going back to try different sizes. I wish I had. Even if I’d tried a bigger size and thought no. At least you have seen what they will be like either way. It will put your mind at rest. Then you can get excited about it all. It’s an exciting time.

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