Worrying about after the op (kids) Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    I have my op next friday 1st sept,my partner will be off work saturday and sunday but then will be going back monday. I have a 1 year old a 7 year old an a 12 year old, the older 2 are fine at sorting them selves out an can be quite helpful with the little one so im hoping i will be ok but school starts back on the 5th sept. About a 5 min walk from our house, i dont have anyone that i could get to do the school run for me so im worrying about that i will also have my sons pram to push, i just dont know if im going to manage it its paniking me. An once the older 2 are at school i will litrally have no help at home with my very demanding little terror lol. Anyone been in a simlar situation to me? Im having unders aswel which makes me worry even more xx

    Mf1105 15

    No but i will be in a similar situation in November so will be curious to hear other peoples experiences.
    I think the best thing you can do is prep clothes/snacks/lunches before hand so you can rest as much as possible. I hope you get some handy tips.

    Laura 143

    Thankyou, hope im going to manage so hard when you have children especially when they are so young id be fine with the older 2 but my youngest is a real handful tbh x

    Yvette 85

    Hi if it makes you feel better, I have two children, my eldest (8yrs) will be at her dads but my youngest 1year old is a nightmare, and not sure how going to cope ….very demanding baby so worried!!! I’m not sure what advice to give you as don’t know what to do myself, my op is on sat and dreading it lol

    Hope you find a soloution :/ so hard when you have little ones xx

    Laura 143

    Hi Yvette, its a nightmare isnt it i dread to think! My 1 year old is a nightmare too hes so demanding an hes really rough too not sure how il manage to change him cos hes so strong when he puts up a fight which is quite often lol. My parnter wont be happy having more time off as hes not supportive of my op anyway plus self employed so not like he gets holiday pay. You are before me so let me know how you get on please, are you having unders? Xx

    Yvette 85

    I know, it’s probably going to be one of the toughest things yet to come!!!
    I don’t know what to suggest other than maybe when he’s being rough, ignore it! If he’s naughty …ignore it…does he do that for a reaction mayb? But then still a baby so it’s a tough one…my daughter likes jumping over me, wants picking up all time, whinging grrr stress lol
    Yeah my partner is same, he just makes horrible little digs at me, jealousy I reckon!!
    Sod them ha

    Umm I’m iv still not decided on 325 cc or 345cc having hp overs but worried about what size to choose on the morning, what about you? And when’s your op? Xx

    Yvette 85

    Do you not have any family or friends that could mayb help? Though another one is they can’t be there 24/7 which would be nice….literally got no one other than my baby’s dad for help and he never helps around house so I guess I’ll still have to do the cleaning….can see some rows brewing lol xx

    Laura 143

    Hes only 13 months but hes so much more hard work than my others were at his age i will hqve to try ignore the things that can be ignored i suppose especially if im struggling pain wise. Hes always wanting picking up too.
    Yeah definitely jealousy lol im not letting him bother me too much just hope hes going to help afterwards as much as possible but will see on that one!!
    Im having 400cc HP unders my op is next friday xx

    Laura 143

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    An no i dont really have anyone that cpuld help my mums really ill so she cant manage him, my dad will be at work an doesnt even know about the op lol my brother an his parnter go away for a week the day of my op an friends will be working. An yeah my partner is the same whenever he does look after our son its litrally just that, cant manage looking after him AND cleaning the house lol xx

    Yvette 85

    Laura it’s so tough, I can totally sympathise with you!!! I struggle with my daughter on a daily basis just because she’s soo demanding, always tired nd drained ????
    Yeah I think you should try that, also maybe while he’s asleep or going to sleep then change him?
    Mayb you could leave a few pillows on the floor so he could mayb sleep on them for naps rather than you lifting him up to put him into his cot or whatever? Pre make his dinners for the week and freeze them so yuv only got to put them in the oven…..?
    I’m literally trying to think of everything and I know it’s all easier said than done:/

    I said to my partner well if you don’t like me having it done then don’t think for one min yur coming near me once it’s done….not happening lol so unsupportive….

    Arwww umm yeah it’s a no win situation when everyone’s busy or working etc….can your partner not just take a day off here and there?? Or once he’s home he takes over so you can rest for the rest of the day?

    Oooohh how exciting, literally only a week away then….everyone who’s had 400cc looks amazing, I think it’s such a nice size, what size are you now? Have you got everything ready? Xxx

    Laura 143

    I am willing to try anything to make that first week easier! I will deffo prep as much as i can beforehand an i will try whatever i can to not have to pick him up so often that week too obviously going to hqve to sometimes though. My partner says he cant see him even touching them once iv had them done lol if im struggling im just gonna have to tell him to take more time off i just dont know if he will. My stomach just dropped reading the last bit of your message haha yeah just 1 week to go!! Im so nervous about it now that its getting closer. Im an empty 32c have tissue at the bottom but nothing much at all up top. I have my v pillow but nothing else lol how about you? Xx

    Cath 2

    I had mine done in May with a 1 year old and a 4 year old. My husband went back to work after a couple of days. I was really worried but I coped ok. I could kind of push a pram but couldn’t manage to get it over curbs for at least a week and a bit, maybe you could get one of the older two to push it to school and then you only have one trip pushing it yourself and can take your time – go a long way, avoid curbs!

    I couldn’t lift my 1 year old at first but he was ok with it and I just got down to his level when he needed a cuddle or attention. After a week I had to do a bedtime by myself and was really worried about getting my son into his crib as the high sides are fixed but I managed to climb into the cot with him using a stool and lay him down that way. Not easy but you will find a way to cope and it is totally worth it

    Sarah 64

    I feel the sane too. Mine are 8 yrs & 4 yrs and whilst they’ll both be at school in the day & can pretty much dress themselves etc it’s things like them bashing into me, knocking me etc that I’m worried about. Can just imagine it now…. in fact I don’t want to ! X

    Laura 143

    Hi Cath thankyou for that, reassuring to hear from someone who has been through it. Im sure i will manage its just going to be a hard week. My partner will be home to put him to bed each night an he usually has his daytime nap in his pram so that should be ok hopefully x

    Laura 143

    Know what you mean pinkwishes lol i dont want to imagine it either i supose ee will just have to cross that bridge when it comes to it x

    Yvette 85

    Yesss defo prep, that will take most of the work off you. Once you’ve done that, you’ve only got to worry about the baby!!!
    You’ve got this….????????????
    You’ll actually be surprised what comes to mind when your limited in what you can do, yull figure other ways out….
    Wish could take my own advice haha
    Oh well sod him, it’s about you and not him, maybe that’s the issue lol men ey?!

    Will be cleaning my car at some point too, anything to take stress off me, as I’m bit OCD and any mess and everything then feels dirty again…
    Are you a day case or staying overnight?
    Iv had to book a hotel for friday night …. (admission is 9.30 sat morn)

    …..till Sunday, as for some reason iv got to stay in overnight, Then my partner and baby need somewhere to stay sat night so there going back to the hotel, then home Sunday!!!

    What’s your plans? Where abouts are you havingbig done? Are you with mya xx

    Annie 17

    I have a 6 month old baby, my partner had 5 days off work with me (I pretty much couldn’t move, but everybody is different) and still after that I’ve had to have help with my little one! Even if you are okay I would probably have helped lined up 🙂 everybody heels differently and copes with pain different but i completely under estimated how much pain I would be in after, you should be fine but deffo have help lined up xxx

    Laura 143

    Im usually quite good with pain have a high pain threshold, im sure if i can give birth 3 times only needing gas an air for the last few pushes then surely i can manage this?? Haha lets hope so!!
    As far as i know im day case no one has actually said anything about that so will ask at my pre op tomorrow but sure it will just be day case. Are you having to travel quite far from home then? Mine is only 25 mins from my house so its pretty good in that way. Im having mine done at natural look clinic which is one that mya uses an i was going to go through mya thats how i found out about this clinic in the first place but once i realised how close it was to my house i just went directly through them because it saved me travelling further out for my consultations xx

    Yvette 85

    Haha yes definitely:)
    Oh god how lucky are you, jealous!!! I’m near Norwich city and go to go to transform in Brentford London…as its bank holiday this weekend we will prob be travelling longer due to traffic, so I’d say around 2 1/2hours mayb…if we don’t get lost haha
    Which is so typical of me….
    Ahhh least you are close so saves you money on hotels and fuel costs!!!! Girl and hotel is costing a fortune 🙁 so leaving me mega skint!!
    And I’m petrified off being put to sleep, how are you feeling about being put under? Xx

    Sherrie 27

    I am worrying about this too I have a 4 year old and a demanding 1 year old who is usually attached to my hip most of the day! I am lucky that my mother in law is going to help to start with when my husband is at work. I had both children by c section and after that you have no choice but to still look after your baby. I found after the first I realised yes it hurts but the more you keep moving the better just without overdoing it.
    I’m sure you will just work round things if you need to. Is there someone else who lives near you who would also be taking their own kids to school that could just take yours for a few days. I’m thinking I might make some meals ahead and freeze them so I don’t feel guilty if I can’t cook but housework and washing can just wait a while! Xx

    Laura 143

    Sorry for the late reply, mine is getting done under twilight sedation so not fully under its meant to be good an you come around straight away after without no grogginess or sickness. Still really nervous though lol. An yeah i am lucky to be close to the clinic. I wonder why you have to stay in?

    Sherry, theres not no one but i will figure something out xx

    Yvonne 28

    Hi hunni, Well as I had my Op on Tuesday im home now recovering. I have three girls, 13, 4 and 20 months.. My eldest is a star and so helpful but she isn’t here all the time. Luckily at the moment mine are in nursery & holiday club but the mornings and evenings are hard enough for me at the minute as they are wanting me to cuddle and pick them up. My bf doesn’t cope well with them both so im finding myself getting up to get them dressed in the morning to help ease the tension a little.
    Its really hard so I feel for you girls who dont have the help and support you need after this but im sure your all fantastic Mum’s and you will get through it just becareful not to lift or do too much.
    Awww Yvette I was scared too but honestly it was fine.. I had to stay in because im always ill off anaesthetic so got a good nights sleep xx

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