Worst night 6dpo Started by: Laura

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  • Hannah 214

    @mae14 yeah the shiny weird feeling! Kind of like they’re made of rubber haha! I still have that now at 13DPO, it’s so bizarre xx

    Mae 79

    Yes lol poor things!! Hope they go back to normal soon! Don’t feel like mine lol xx

    Mitch 39

    @mae how did you even manege to get a top over your head? I struggled to get my dressing gown on lol….yours look massive hun I don’t think I would of managed with that size xx

    Hannah 214

    I managed to put tops over my head, but regreted sleeping in one on one night as I had morning boob in the morning and couldn’t get the thing off haha! Xx

    Mae 79

    I can’t remember how I managed it @mitch It’s quite a baggy fit like pj top!! I don’t have any shirts or anything so had to make it fit lol
    What is the morning boob @hannah ? Is that just like the stiffness you feel? Like being a bug on its back lol xx

    Hannah 214

    Yeah, like when you wake in the morning and they feel stiff all over again, and you feel like the tin man. Now I can shower, the shower sorts them out and they feel fine again. But it happens every morning! Xx

    Mitch 39

    Lol mae hold my hands up to that my sister in laws have been coming everyday to do me some dinner and said they would help dress me I was like don’t touch me please I’m fragile haha xx
    Don’t like the sound of morning boob hannah sounds awful lol xx

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