Worst recovary ever Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m day 3 Niw and in SO much pain I couldn’t take any medication yesterday because I was
    Beig violently sick after eating or taking them.
    My left side feels like it’s on fire. So miserable thinking his is never gonna go away 🙁


    Oh no 🙁 hope things get better for you Faye, it’s weird how different everyone is, I’m absolutely fine, day 2 now, I’m just a bit stuff with a back ache sort of pain in my boobs. Get well soon Hun, it’ll be worth it xxxx


    I’m feeling really shit to babe! Keep feeling sick but not actually been sick yet. I feel so disgusting because not having a shower and hate relying on everyone! I haven’t taken any meds this morning because I feel so sick so going to try and eat something in a min. Must be awful actually being sick, hope you start feeling better soon babe! xxx

    Natasha17 1

    oh no hun 🙁 hope you feel better soon, when I had mine done i felt the same but it will pass by.
    get well soon and happy healing chick xx


    When I’ve had past operations generally you find yourself feeling sick when you take your meds because you’re taking them on an empty stomach. Try having things like herbal teas which can sooth your stomach enough to allow you to eat. Things like scrambled eggs would be a great place to start, mashed avocado and soups things that are light on your stomach. It’s hard to but try and force yourself to eat to get your strength back up! Also being sick will make you very dehydrated and make you feel even sicker. If you struggle with liquids suck on ice cubes but if you drink then have things like water, high juice packed with sugar, lucozade (have the flat sports version as it hydrates you more than water) and maybe milkshakes?x


    Thanks so much I managed to get my meds down me half a hour ago and stomach some dry toast to soak it up
    Got ice packs where it’s burning and stinging it’s easing it a little. It’s making me so miserable and I constabtly think I wish I never
    Got it done with the amount of pain. I didn’t realise how much you can’t do on your own. I find lifting myself up to get out of bed the worst pain ever.
    Thanks again girls xxx


    Once you get some pain meds in you I’m sure you will feel a lot better – just try and think about how it won’t last forever x


    Sorry to hear you’re feeling very ill. For me days 1-3 were very painful, but from day 4 and when the strapping got removed it got much better. I was also hardly able to move at all and had pain on the right incision but believe me it is only temporary. Try to distract yourself with favorite tv, movies and talking to people. The pain will go away eventually just push through the tough first days x

    Becky 2

    Bless ya it’s horrible feeling poorly what meds did they give you for recovery? I’m 4 days post op now and the pain is starting to ease off a bit thank god!!! Most painful bit is getting up first thing in morning it burns like hell down the sides!!! Hope you feel better soon Hun X

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