Would any of you girls mind if i added you? Started by: starfox

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  • starfox

    Helloooo! 😀
    Feeling great, got a brand spanking new job and i can finally start saving up for my new boobies! It’s no longer just a ‘some day’… it’s totally happening! I should be able to save up the cash with my boyfriends (willing) help in about 6 months, yaaay 🙂 At the moment i don’t really want to do the finance option, don’t like the idea of being in debt and i want to spend all the cash i’ve got after my BA on lovely new underwear and clothes 🙂

    I’ve done a bunch of research already, been wanting them done for as long as i can remember and i couldn’t be any more excited 🙂

    I was wondering if you had any tips on preparing my body for the BA and surgery. I’m already quite slim, a size 6/4 and 7stone.. but i want to build some more muscle, tone up a little bit and just get generally more healthy and a nice big perky bum to go with my new boobs 😛 haha
    I’m a smoker, so i know i’ll have to give that up at least 1 month before surgery, but i want to give my body the best chance it has for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery fingers crossed, so if you have any info on suppliments, skin prep like bio oil or the like, (i already dry brush my skin every day to exfoliate and increase blood flow to keep it firm) please let me know 🙂

    I’m about a 30 A/B right now, hoping to go upto and look at least a D or an E. Natural looking but big and bouncy 🙂 if anyone has had their BA, or is going to have one soon i’d love to follow your progress. Please let me know if i can add you as a friend 🙂 I really want to eductate myself as much as possible and get an idea of what i can expect after my BA. I don’t have any pre op pics of my boobs just yet, but i’ll post some nearer the time and keep everyone i add as a friend involved in my story too 🙂
    Oh, and if anyone has had a similar BA to the one i’d like, (a cup to d/e, petite frame) could you let me know your surgeon and what cc you got too?

    thank you, starfox 🙂 xxx


    Hey starfox we already are friends, I’ve had my 2nd ba dine 6wk ago for a reop revision, my previous was 380 but I’ve had 460 now, I’m a 30 bandsize, but was a 32b prior to any of my ops. My new piks go from middle of page 6, check them out. I look around a DD now xx


    Hey beckie! I checked out our pics again, they look amaaazing! wow, you must be so happy 🙂 i might have to take one of your pics to the surgeon when i go and see them, yours are pretty much exactly what i want but just a teensy bit smaller. Love how you’ve got cleavage without a bra! what a result 🙂 are they settling well? the more i’m getting into it, the more i want to go as big as i can lol, i just don’t want them to be overly huge. do yours look a bit smaller under clothes? xx


    If I wear I don’t wear a bra under clothes they look abit smaller but if I wear a bra they still look a good size I havnt updated in a while they have grown abit more now and filled back out again. Oo you prob and was need a biggish implant then, so just be careful you don’t set your expectations too high, I did the 1st time, and was so dissapointed by what he said I could have, but it was the max he could fit in then. But I went in there thinkin Il get to choose what I want but it wasn’t the case so keep an open mind, with you been small framed you may not get offered a huge size. Just go see a few and then take the biggest they say xx


    Hey lovely!

    The best way for a nice pert bottom to go with your new pert boobies is to sqaut! get to the gym and lunge and squat until you cant walk and do that for 6 months! 🙂 As for the supplements it totally depends on what you are trying to achieve. Up your fruit and veg intake, cut your sugar intake, eat more protein, non-complex carbs, drink lots of water. I use vitamin E oil from super drug on my boobs and have done the last 4 weeks. I used this on a scar on my face when I was 25 and you cant even see the scar now, totally gone. My op is on the 16th December and I am making sure my skin is hydrated so it will be more accommodating for my new implants. I am also drinking spinach and kale juices to make sure my blood is nice and healthy so my body is in a stronger position to heal. I am cutting alcohol out completely 2 weeks before too. I am also making sure I get plenty of sleep leading up to the op so my body isnt tired. I maybe a little excessive but I want to help my body heal itself. 🙂 Good luck


    Let me know when you upload some new pics Beckie, it’s been great following your story 🙂 Seeing that even if things go wrong, they can still be fixed and look smokin’ afterwards! haha I’m hoping that because i used to be a 30D/E, and shrunk to A/B that i should be able to fit a decent sized implant in 🙂 fingers crossed anyway, i’m not really fussy as long as i’ve got awesome boobs afterwards haha 🙂
    Hey hj13 🙂 thanks for the advice, i’m a bit like you lol. i know it might be a bit extreme, but i want to do everything i can to make sure things go smoothly 🙂
    I’ve been doing squats (the ones when you stick your knees out like a frog when you go down.. looks hilarous lol), crunches and girly press ups 🙂 I don’t really mind my bum right now, just want one of those killer ones you see in fitness pics haha. why not?
    Oh, my new job is about a 45min fast paced walk up and down hills. Walk it quite a bit because it’s the town centre but i’m going make the effort to walk there as much as i can, saves money on transport that can go towards my new boobs, and gets me fitter at the same time 🙂
    I take centrum performance vitamins at the moment, they are a great all round multivitamin that gives you an energy boost too 🙂 my hair is growing like there’s no tomorrow 🙂 yaay.
    So the vitami E oil is good for scars then? I’ve always used bio oil, swore by it even though it’s expensive. I have had stretch marks all over my boobs, thighs, hips, backs of my calves but you can’t even notice them now 🙂 even the whitish lines are fading.
    I don’t really drink a hell of a lot anyway, not really a weekend binge drinker so that won’t be a problem 🙂
    Spinach and kale juice? yummy haha.
    I’ve combied all the info i need to know into my own boobie bible for when the time comes around 🙂 don’t want to forget anything!
    Good luck with your op. What are your stats?

    Oh, another thing. I don’t know how keen i am on going with MYA. After all my researching, MYA was founded by an entrepreneur. MyBreast was founded by 6 of the UKs leading registered surgeons. Some of the surgeons with MYA aren’t BAPRAS or BAAPS registered, which makes me worry a bit. hmm…


    I went from 30aa to 34DD during pregnancy had loadsa spare skin through that and then they increased again with my second while I breast fedt still only got offered 380, he said my chest was just too small to fit any bigger in at the time, so it really is best to go in with an open mind, I thought yea plenty of skin Il beable to go pretty big come out gutted, so at least if u are aware of it its not a massive shock. I’ve uploaded a couple of new piks xxx


    Yeah, it’s a good idea not to set your hopes too high, and to be realistic. I’m constantly reminding myself that things can go wrong and i might not get what i want out of it, but i can try 🙂 I just can’t wait to start meeting some surgeons and see what they say. 🙂 Amazing new pics! If you don’t mind me asking (and if it’s not too much bother) do you think you could take a full body pic with clothes on? Next time you’re taking pictures, obviously haha Just wondering how they look in proportion to your size/shape 🙂 xxx


    I was a 32a/aa. wearing size 6-8. had 300MHP unders. Now a 32DD/E.
    Would reccomend my surgeon to anyone wanting this kind of result with a natural look! Hes great! – Dr Federico Di Francesco – Transform.
    Add me if u like.. i will be uploadin some pics soon! =) xx

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