Wow! A year! Started by: joannabella

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    This time last year I had my first set of implants, and was very poorly in my hospital bed with a worried other half there too.
    A year on, I still don’t have a nice set, and have had more hurt and anger then anything. But I’m here and that’s the main thing xx

    ducky01 4

    Bless you hun I really don’t know what to say to that to make you feel better 🙁
    All I wish is for you to get what you deserve eventually which are THE most amazing baps ever!!
    What stage are you at?? Xxx


    Oh no have you had problems since ur op? Xxx


    Sorry to hear u have had a real rough time of it Hun. Really hope things start to go ur way . Keep strong!! Xxx

    Kylie 1

    Ditto what ducky01 said. I hope get sorted eventually. Big hugs!! Xxx


    Hi Joanna, you gave me some helpful advices not long after your 1st op. I too had mr Russo in April. I’m not happy tho, and currently waiting For an appointment with him!! Frustrating cos I was going to be seeing mr traynor instead, but as mr Russo is apparently coming back, I have to wait for him! So frustrating, being constantly fobbed off!! I hope you manage to sort things out, it’s horrible not being happy when spent loads of money x


    Thanks girls. I’m still waiting on an appointment date, I think the not knowing what’s going to happen next is the worst thing. I know it’s all down to not having a lift at my second op, I just hope MYA pull through and see this xx


    Really feel for you joannabella, yo have always been there with such good advice, a god send on here. Hope MYA sort this one out, if they don’t, it’s bad advertising for them x x x

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