Hiya ladies,
I had my 1 week PO op appointment with the nurse at MYA in Birmingham today… and I am absolutely OVER THE MOON with Mr Schiavone work – my stitches are so incredibly neat – you can bearly see them! I have uploaded some close up photos of them and my 1 week post op picture
I had round 385/415 natrelle overs.
Good luck to all the girls having their op this week and happpy healing to the girls who have recently had theirs xx
just sent u request hun hope u don’t mind im few wks in front of u x
Looking good Jackie! Very neat and clean.. Hope mine turn out the same. Cos ive got dark skin, mine would be a lot more visible but hopefully not too much Bet you pleased with them!!xx
Hey great stitching there, he’s good isn’t he?
How you feel now that you can shower, its the small things we take for granted that mean the most isn’t it? Xx
Thank you ladies!
Gail, I actually feel amazing – have just had a nice long shower and I feel super clean and chuffed to bits with my new additions Totally… I think I will feel the same about wearing new bras again!!! I’m alreadt itching to get out of this sports bra!!!
How are you feeling now? xx
Jackie they look fab and stitches look so lovely and neat!!
They look great Jackie! You must be so happy. Dying for a nice long shower after reading your post! ha ha x
Oh god I know what you mean, I’m sick of this Macon already, not the most comfortable bra in the world or the most flattering lol. I’m going to have a browse online to see if I can see any bras I can buy in the future lol ( just to make me feel better lol).
I’m loads better thanks but still having awful nights though.
I’ve still not drove yet, have you? I’m going to give it a try tomorrow with hubby in the car with me, I’m doing twilight shifts at work next week when I go back and can’t expect hubby to pick me up at 1am.
I’ve just been out with my daughter in her car though and wow all the bumpy roads saint a good feeling on the boobies lol.
Glad your feeling good xx
Jackie your stitches are extremely neat! Congrats on your amazing pair xx
Hi girls, Dr Schiavone has left MYA!! I would contact your PC just to make sure all your aftercare rights will still be honoured. I had rhinoplasty with him last week and still need follow up appointments.
I’ve just emailed my PC, she’s on annual leave till 30th so if anyone finds out anything let me know please. Although we have contract with MYA not the surgeon so nothing should change xc
Hi girls dr schiavone’s PA contacted me yesterday to say that his services are no longer required with MYA! He’s leaving in December apparently so his PA advised me to book my 3 month post op with him sooner before he leaves otherwise they transfer u to a different surgeon! X
Hi girls – I had a call from him yesterday telling me the same, the nurse revinfirmed this today (she said it was a massive shame as he’s one of the best they use!) – you can still see him privately for your post surgery check up, or see another surgeon with mya. Xx
Hi Jackie hope you don’t mind the add .. Bt worried now as I’m supposed to be having my 2nd consultation with Schiavone on Wednesday, do you think ill have someone else now? X
Jackie was the call from a mobile ? I had 3 unconfirmed numbers call me yesterday which I didn’t answer.
I’ve had email from PC confirming and also stating that he will still do follow up apps. Xx
Hiya Holly,
No problem about the add – I have accepted :)!
When is your surgey date (if you have one yet?) , if it’s soon then I would of thought you’d still have him – he’s still working with MYA, it’s just unlikely that you’ll have the surgeons follow up with him (unless you see him privately).
In my opinion… If you can have the surgery with him… I would, I was talking to the nurse yesterday and she said its a huge shame as he’s one of their best – all the girls who have him are pleased with the results and his stitching is excellent on each girl (you can see in my pics!) that she sees.
Hi Gail, yes – it was from a mobile! He rang me yesterday morning I think, asked how I was and how my recovery was going and then told me he was leaving, have me his contact details and said he would be more than happy for me to see him if I wanted to. It’s likely I will go privately to see him – yesterday the nurse said I could decide at my 6 week check up whether I want to see him (they’ll still be in contact with him), or another of their surgeons. I don’t see the point in seeing a different surgeon… As it’s not their work and haven’t been involved in the decision process etc.
They look really good and stitches are amazing, what projection did you have? I dot have a date yet but have second consultation on Wednesday and then was hoping for a late space so still may be able to go with him! Xx
Thanks vey much :). I had a moderate projection (although I’m a size 10, I have quite broad shoulders, the round and moderate profile are wider, meaning I won’t have a gap in my cleavage :)! )
Do you know what you’re after? Are you have unders or overs?
If you’ve got a second consultation with him and they haven’t told you otherwise – I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to have him :)! I think he’s a really nice guy too. Xx
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