250 or 275cc?! Started by: Jen

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  • Jen

    Hi girls. I’m due for my op in two weeks and I can’t decide between 250 and 275cc! I’m having round high profiles.
    I’m a size 6 and currently a 32A (probably AA). I know there’s not much difference between the two, but does anybody have any pictures or advice please? xx

    Liv 2

    Hiya, I had surgery 5 days ago and I am glad I went for the bigger option, I had researched for over ten years before going ahead with this procedure and 9/10 girls are always glad when they choose the slightly bigger size and usually slightly disappointed when they choose the smaller! The more you research I’m sure you will find this too! I am a size 8-10 I was a 34a and I have had 450cc in both left and right which is in proportion with my body, hope this helps let me know if you have any other questions ☺️ X


    Hi jen, can you let me know which you choose and whether you wre having over the muscle or under. I an the same size and bra size as you and was advised to same cc. When you have them done I would be very grateful if I could see your results if that would be okay. I plan to have mine done in around Jan time.


    i’m a size 4 and started as a 30 B/C now im a full 30D. I got the 250 HP round. I like the size of them as I didnt have to size up in dresses or anything with that. but i think because youre startinga bit smaller than i was you’d be good with 275 cc

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