odd boobies. 8 weeks post op Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki

    still one is slightly bigger than the other. not added any more pics so nothing to see lol. im getting really f*cked off with it now, its only noticeable if I really point it out and is not noticeable in clothes at all. but I don’t want to be naked infront of my fiancé and this is why I had the bloody op. anyone else been in my situation? what did ur surgeon do? im seeing him in a fortnight. pre op my boobs were symmetrical but my right boob is now lower and much fuller (1/2 a cup size I reckon). anyone with advice?


    Instead of just adding to be nosy could u have the courtesy to message first!?

    Nicole 1

    Hi, Nikki, try speaking to Kelly…although I think hers is one is still so high up, not dropped at all and she is three months post op.
    I’ve got the dreaded rippling when I lean forward both visible and palpable ( and I had the smaller implant offered to reduce risks) just praying it’s doesn’t become visible when standing normally…

    One surgeon I saw said you want to have them done to forget about them and not worry about them and I thought that’s it absolutely so get how u r feeling now something’s not quite right! I bet bf he still thinks they are amazing though! Well they are!

    And yes totally agree with you even though I have a message asking people to message me first before adding no one seems to! And when you put something on that’s wrong and bothering you all if a sudden loads of requests come thru making u feel like a freak show!


    lol it does my head in I had 30 request the last time I put something on like this! not one reply too!! nosy f*ckers lol.
    I saw ur rippling pic, I think everyone gets a minor degree of it (I can feel ripples?) and can see them laying down but mr traynor said that was normal! xxx


    he loves them, as do I but the difference is size is really knocking me!!! xxx

    Laura 13

    Nikki hope its something that ur surgeon can gelp with. Did you have this problem straight after surgery? Or is it somethings that hasnt been noticeable till now?

    Nicole 1

    It is gutting isn’t it..hopefully it will sort itself out for you…and hopefully Mr Traynor will have some answers or suggestions…

    Yeah it was pretty hard to lean forward and take a pic with the iPad at the same time….I’ve got my head round it a bit now…as long as it don’t get worse….but it is all the way from the bottom of cleavage to the top and feels really bumpy and rippling….but I had the naturelle soft touch which is a pretty firm implant so surely it’s only got a certain amount of ripple in it? Or is that me just hoping ?

    Still much much better than I had so trying to enjoy them ( except can’t feel them being played with yet lol”!)


    hi ive just posted about the same thing but only 2 week post op…but when I went for consultation I told surgeon I have one noticeably bigger than the other at least a cup size in difference he still said same size implants, i am now really worried because you can tell in my clothes and has made me feel worse now than before i had them done..i really hope something changes 🙁


    aww Nicole honestly I cant even see on ur pic but mines the same but I have big implants. Siobhan were ur boobs enough difference to have different sizes? and laura im not sure my boobs were so small I couldn’t see any difference but I have had 525 from a b so maybe ive enhanced my natural structure. luckily I cant tell at all in clothes when I have a bra on so I guess that’s a plus. im getting married and want to wear a fitted top dress but cant with wonky tits!!!!


    Hi Nikki

    Yes I was at least a cup size in difference but he said would not make a difference and it clearly has! Am gutted have not stopped crying 🙁


    Aaww Nicole, hope it’s just with it being early days and they settle down for you, from your pics tho you look great xx


    ** Nikki !! Sorry was talking too a Nicole earlier !! Xx


    Nikki mine are still different sizes but my pre boobs where slightly different as well xx


    cayla didn’t u have two different implants? im thinking because mine were so small and long (!!!!) pre op maybe its just my natural structure.


    No had the same size Hun xx


    they look awesome on ur pics xxx


    Hi girls…i have a hige diff in size in my boobs at the mo…nearly 6 weeks post op…didnt really have.or see much of a diff pre op as had no breast tissue though my surgeon did say there was a slight diff in size before surgery……its getting to me quite a bit and thinking i could have had diff size implants so they would be even…i am hoping that this problem will sort itself out soon 🙁 xx


    Fingers crossed hun xx


    Hi Stacey mine are exactly the same am only just over 2 week post op and I can see a big difference and it’s really worrying me! Am not able to wear anything too tight as u can see the difference a lot.. I really hope too that mine change in size and also for yourself..:)

    Laura 12

    This is really worrying and I’ve noticed a lot more girls posting similar things recently. At my consultation dr singh mentioned I have slight different size breasts but too minimal to give me 2 separate sized implants.. Personally I still think yours look fab nikki! Hope everyone’s settle soon and even out it seems a massive shame to go through so much and not be 100% pleased with results xx


    I think its very important to look at pre op often rather than trying to compare each breast. I remember dr traynor telling me they’re sisters not twins. Looking more at my pre op pictures one breast had a slight curve in the cleavage (I vaguely remember traynor telling me this will still be there) however both nipples were exactly 16cm from breast bone on the tape measure and they are in line now but one is a slight bit smaller obviously due to the implant. At the end of the day only my fiance will see me bra-less and in a bra I am completely symmetrical and my boobs are still bloody awesome. Ive added a 9 week pic if any of my friends want to see. If adding pls msg first x


    Hi Hun, I had 535 teardrops and feel my left one is significantly bigger than my right aswell!! I’m 3 weeks post op, they both look like they’ve dropped so worried it’s not gonna even out :/ xx


    You’re still sooooo early days babes. Do not even begin to worry until at least 12 weeks. One is slightly higher on mine too but its due to my natural shape. Add me if u want a look x

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