op tomorrow last min nerves HELP lol Started by: CRx

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  • CRx -1

    okay so my op tomorrow morn admission at 11:30… i have packed everything (bras, pillows, snacks/drinks, entertainment) and got my outfit ready…how early can i be?? i’m setting off at about half 9 cause my mum reckons there will be a traffic jam lol, it will take about 40 mins to get there if traffic ok… just don’t know if you can go in early??
    & can someone PLEASE tell me what happens when u arrive, just really nervous, like when you get there to finish if anyone can.. sounds stupid but i think it might help think it’s cause i don’t know whats actually going to happen so it’s making me really nervous… I’m at Preston First Trust Hosp if that helps. any advice on that would be great so i know what to expect… (i’m a day case if that makes a diff)
    also sounds stupid but do you wear a bra there, i’m thinking not too just wondered what others did?…
    on last note… can’t believe this is the last night i will have small boobs and a small bra, excited, nervous and a million other emotions & want to thank everyone that has helped me over the last 8 weeks without this forum I would of been on breaking point so thanks a lot!! x


    Hey hun, you’ll be fine! Enjoy it! 🙂 I got there about half an hour early and went straight to my room, I’m sure you’ll have no problem if you do get there early. I was at Preston too, I wore a bra and just the stuff I was going t go home in, button up shirt and leggings. When I got there they directed me to my room gave me the gown, the socks and the underwear which I had to get changed into straight away, then two nurses came in and I filled out all the paperwork and singed a few things, just asking about if I was on any medication etc, it was a bit repetitive really, then the ward doctor came in and checked my pulse and listened to my chest, he advised I have something (can’t remember what it was called) to calm me down as I have suffered from anxiety in the past but said they’d do that shortly before my operation. Next the anaesthetist came in and went over what they would do. Then your surgeon comes in to see you and draws on your boobs, you sign some papers with your surgeon and confirm the size you wsnt and go over any last minute questions. After that they put the canular in while I was still in my room so they could give me the stuff to calm me down, which worked wonders! I wasn’t allowed to stand up after that and they brought a trolly bed thing I had to shuffle on to take me to the operating room, I waited outside it for about five minutes which would have been nerve racking if I hadn’t had the stuff haha.. Then I was in the operating room and out of it 🙂 I didn’t have much time to panick as between admission and my op I was pretty much busy with all the staff haha and everyone was so so lovely, they really help relax you and put your mind at rest. Sorry for the long post haha but good luck for tomorrow and keep us updated! Xxx


    Firstly don’t panic!
    I personally didn’t wear a bra there thought I would make the most of being comfy before 6 weeks in a sports bra!
    I got to the hospital about half an hour early it not sure just how early you can be but there is an asda very close that has a cafe so you could always sit there for a little while.
    When I got there I got my gown on then the nurse checked my obs. After that the ward doctor came and asked me some questions and listened to my chest. Then the anaesthetist came to explain a few things. Then finally your surgeon comes and draws on you. After that you will be going down to theatre!
    I had a four hour wait from my admission time to op but it all depends on whereabouts you are on the list.
    Good luck and just think this time tomorrow you will have your new boobies! Xx

    CRx -1

    ooo thanks girls I’m so nervous haha keep thinking somethings gonna go wrong or the cars gonna break down or something haha, i think i might need something to calm my nerves but think it’s more cause i don’t know what to expect when i get there once the canular is in i will be fine:D thanks a lot for the advice at least i know the process, thought it would be diff for everyone but yours too sound quite the same… i don’t wanna wear a bra but what i’m wearing is low-ish cut so think i will just cause will feel weird lol… i’m wearing a long dress button up with tights there but putting pj’s in my bag for way back jus in case i cba haha.. and ye i will probs be there an hour early with my mum being cautious haha guess it’s better than late ehy! and i know i can’t wait hun xx


    So excited for you hun, good luck xxx

    Laura 13

    Dont worry I was at Preston, its great hospital and fantastic staff.

    Tell lady your name at desk then i was introduced to a nurse tuk me to my room told me to put gown on and came back and did blood pressure. Docs came in and did more paperwork. Then Mr Traynor came in and drew on me and told me id be goong down in 40 mins. 40mins later and lady came for me she was a gem. Let me send quick txt to my mum. Walked down with me was there wen I went to sleep and when I woke up. And tuk me back to my room and gove me my phone so i cud phone my mam.


    I don’t know whether its because I was so drugged up but I thought it was an amazing experience haha. If you do get really nervous just tell them and they’ll do all they can for you, they really are lovely. I had a quick nap after the op and then I was up and about and getting changed and everything I was almost back to normal my mum kept telling me off for doing stuff haha xx

    CRx -1

    thanks girls… i’m too excited, going out my mind though hehe.. and sounds stupid but which way do you put the gown on, i know when i’ve worn them before you put the open bit at the back?? see am even worrying about stupid things that don’t even matter haha… and awe they sound lovely i’m sure tomorrow i will be saying that it was an amazing experience, just need to get there and get that canuar in my hand & i will be happy! haha… and ye i will tell them if i am, just in case my heart rate high or whatever nerves can mess up & ye i can imagine my mum gonna be the same hehe, i will let you all know how i get on. thanks again girls xx


    hello angel!! ahh as if its come round so quick. I had mine at first trust with traynor as u know. they’ll escort u to ur room n u can chill. enjoy the whole experience its great xx

    Laura 13

    Gown fastens at back. Mr Traynor tied mine up for me.


    Yeah it ties at the back 🙂 xx


    Haha Laura the nurse had to do mine, I couldn’t do it properly! Xx


    Good luck xxx

    CRx -1

    @lilliesmommy hey hun! i know come around so fast and i’m gonna try too!! xx & @xkatiemarie & @laurag26 thanks sounds so stupid reading that question back hehe, my mum gonna be there so she will probs help with most things but i’m sure the nurses will be fab and i have nothing to worry about xx

    CRx -1

    Thanks a lot @jamiesimpson xx


    aw there’s nothing to worry about it will be over before you know it first trust is lovely your in good hands. Good luck you’ll be fine x


    Ahhhh good luck you’ll be fine (I’m pre op and this will be me the night before) xx


    Too excited for u!!! Xx

    CRx -1

    thanks a lot girls 😀 am still shitting myself hahahh and @jadet25 why couldn’t you go first hahah 😀 xx

    Laura 12

    Good luck hun try and enjoy the experience. And enjoy your last night of freedom sleeping how u like lol xxx

    CRx -1

    hehe thanks laura… i’m boring and sleep on my back anyway haha can’t sleep on my front but don’t know how i will cope sitting up though especially cause my bed will probs move hehe gonna have to jam it between my wall and somehting else i think!, but ye i will deffo try and get some sleep hehe i’m too excited 😀 xxx

    sarah 1

    @mummyox you will be fine hun 🙂 just think hen you wake up you will have big boobies 🙂 whoop!! xx

    CRx -1

    @sarahstevo i know hun, i will be crying i will be that happy and emotional!! i’ve read it’s an emotional rollercoaster and it deffo is, not even had it yet and my emotions are all over 😀 xx

    sarah 1

    @mummyox I know I will be a wreck lol 😀 its unreal how long I have wanted this for I will beable to take my kids swimming on a regular basis 🙂 hate my boobs at the moment! xx


    Haha aww u b fine! This b me nxt wk ahhhh xx

    kimbo 1

    good luck hun.. yo will be fine. xx


    Good luck, mine is on friday and I can’t wait! xx

    CRx -1

    @sarahstevo awe i know what you mean i took my youngest daughter swimming on friday and felt concious gonna go once a week once i’m healed can’t wait to wear a nice bikini or costume 😛 and yep jade it will be 😀 and awe thanks everyone, i will keep you all posted on how it goes.. not long now lily it will fly by now xx

    sarah 1

    @mummyox I cant wait to wear a bikini and to pik a bra that fits and matching underwear 🙂 so exciting well good luck hunnie xx

    CRx -1

    i know exactly what you mean 😀 😀 so exciting ehy, i can’t even eat haha am that excited and soon gonna be nil b mouth haha… thanks a lot @sarahstevo hope you sort your op out soon xx

    sarah 1

    @mummyox thank you I will keep yas all posted 😛 xx


    Good luck chick, reading all your posts have made me smile :-). Im going to be just like this I feel sorry for my fella all I talk to him is about boobs not even had my first consultation yet it on Wednesday lol. So anyway havs fun tomoz im excited for you x

    CRx -1

    @aliwaliwoo awe thanks hehe and i know am a nervous wreck haha 😛 and ye you will be doing your own head in believe me 😛 and thanks i will try too 😀 😀 xx


    Good luck Hun you will be fine xx

    CRx -1

    thanks a lot @emma15674 keep you all posted xx


    Good luck Hun ur be fine xxx


    Good luck Hun! I’m 5 days po you will be fine :o) girls ive added you hope that’s ok I’m a newbie on here :o).. Leah xx

    CRx -1

    Thanks a lot girls!! I’ve managed to get a few hours sleep but woke at six and haven’t been able to get back to sleep, deffo think I gonna need something for my nerves if they don’t calm down. I’ve bought a book so hopefully I will get deep into that and forget about what’s going on! Xxx

    Stephanie 1

    Good luck today and can’t wait to see your new babies. Xx


    Good luck you will be fine im sure! X


    Good luck @mummyox will be thinking of you today 🙂 xx

    CRx -1

    awee thankyou!! fingers crossed everything goes okay, still thinking the worse (not about getting cut open or the anesthetic just something like the car or summit lol)…just going asda, so wish i could have a nice fry up or something, didn’t eat much yesterday only a wrap so starving now argh…it will be worth it though ehy 😉 can’t wait to be back home for some proper food 😀 … and proper boobs heheh xxx


    Good luck hope it goes well xx

    CRx -1

    Thanks everyone!!I am waiting to go down to theatre, not nervous just mega excited, seen nurse, anaesthetist and my surgeon Traynor, supposedly might see ward doctor before going down too. Traynor told me 30/45 mins 🙂 can’t wait to eat and drink omg !! X

    Samantha 1

    Good luck Hun xx

    sarah 1

    @mummyox hiyaaa how are you?!! hows your new boobs 😛 xx

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