Rhino & BA post op pics and recovery Started by: laweeza

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  • laweeza

    Hey hunnies,

    9 days po now and have uploaded pics for anyone that it might help. Im very pleased with my results so far although not perfect or glam at the moment i am sure with time and further healing i will have the results i wanted. Its difficult to explain but it was intensely emotional for me seeing myself once the splint n strapping were removed and it took me all day to get a grip. Im not sure if anyone else has felt like that but i think its useful to know as i didnt anticipate feeling like that. It was shortlived and im feeling better day by day as i am almost back to normal in terms of driving getting out and about and doing chores around the house. My nurse said i can sleep flat on my back now as opposed to sleeping upright and this has made a huge difference! I have to say that the most difficult part of recovery was constipation as i was in absolute agony for 6 days and although im better now i am still very bloated. Its annoying not being able to blow or clean out my nose esp with the build up of dry blood yuk! I have a hell of a lot of bruising under and around my eyes and this isnt fading as fast as i hoped so going shopping for concealer tomorrow as im back to work monday. I frequently have aching in my boobs and sometimes sharp pains esp in the right breast as that had the larger implant. I had a lot of cuts and Soreness from the strapping but it isnt too bad now. Anything i can help anyone with let me know xxxx


    Hi lovely, I’ve added you hope that’s ok. I’m hoping to book my BA in the new year x x


    Thats cool x


    Heyy, hope you don’t mind the add hun xxx


    Hope you don’t mind the add hun, I’m 2 days PO from BA and rhino xx


    hey hun. thats what i find sort of scary in a way, how i’m going deal with the new nose,, its such a big change, i mean it might seem like something so trivial but yh it scares me. hope you feel better soon. x


    Hey Laweeza, you look amazing in your pics 🙂 I was just wondering if you could say a bit more about why you felt so emotional after the splint was removed? Were you happy of was it more to do with the shock of it and looking like a different person? Are you happy with your results? Thanks for sharing, it really helps to hear from someone who has been through it x

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