Sleeping upright :( Started by: Darcy

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  • Darcy 10

    Can anyone give any advice on how to get comfy whilst sleeping half sat up? I’m only po day 3 and the pain and discomfort etc are all bare able but I just can’t cope with a terrible nights sleep. The bottom of my back aches and I have a v pillow and neck pillow etc. I had to sleep in my armchair last which was awful haha 🙁 anyone have any tips or know how long we actually need to sleep like this?

    Kim 21

    I am on day 2 post op and would highly recommend the adjustable back rest from Argos .Give it a go ,Darcy.They are really helpful .xx

    Darcy 10

    Oh I will deffo gonna try anything I can!! Thanks Hun xxx

    Gina 47

    Darcy I have 2 pillows under my v pillow and a pillow under my back and a pillow each side of me for my arms n then my travel neck pillow I was so comfy last night! My travel pillow is awesome cos it’s memory foam and I just lie my face on that as if I was lying on my side! Hope this helps xxx

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